ChLa 380U | Latinos in the Economy and Politics | 4 |
CR 307 | Conflict Management Skills | 4 |
CR 312 | Intercultural Conflict Resolution | 4 |
CR 423 | Dialogue Across Differences | 4 |
CR 441 | Storytelling and Conflict Resolution | 4 |
Fin 456 | International Financial Management | 4 |
Fr 320 | French for the Working World | 4 |
Ger 320 | German for the Working World | 4 |
GSCM 439 | Global Sourcing and Negotiation | 4 |
Intl 349U/WS 349U | Gender and International Development | 4 |
Intl 375U | Global Migration | 4 |
Intl 380U | Globalization, Representation and Difference in Media and Film | 4 |
Intl 470 | Intercultural Leadership and Change | 4 |
Jpn 413 | Advanced Japanese: Japanese for the Real World | 4 |
Jpn 477 | Teaching Japanese As a Foreign Language | 4 |
Mgmt 446 | Principles of International Management | 4 |
Mktg 376 | International Business | 4 |
Mktg 466 | Principles of International Marketing | 4 |
NAS 348 | Indigenous Practices for Environmental Sustainability | 4 |
NAS 411 | Nationhood: Tribal Sovereignty, Governance & Policy | 4 |
PHE 444U | Global Health | 4 |
PS 352U | Introduction to European Politics | 4 |
PS 353U | Introduction to Latin American Politics | 4 |
PS 354U | Introduction to Asian Politics | 4 |
PS 355U | Introduction to African Politics | 4 |
PS 361U | Introduction to the Politics of the Middle East | 4 |
Psy 343 | Social Psychology: Social Relationships and Groups | 4 |
Psy 361 | Industrial Psychology | 4 |
Psy 362 | Organizational Psychology | 4 |
Psy 426 | Psychology of Stigma & Social Inequality | 4 |
Psy 470 | Diversity in the Workplace | 4 |
Span 313 | Business & Culture in the Hispanic World | 4 |
Span 314 | Spanish in Social and Legal Services | 4 |
Span 316 | Spanish and Medical Culture | 4 |
Span 317 | Spanish for Agriculture Purposes | 4 |
USP 301U | Introduction to Community Development | 4 |
USP 317U | Introduction to International Community Development | 4 |
USP 326U | Neighborhood Change and Gentrification | 4 |
USP 419/Soc 441 | Population and Society | 4 |
WS 331U/Intl 331U | Women and the Middle East | 4 |
WS 349U/Intl 349U | Gender and International Development | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 4 |