2018-2019 Bulletin
2018-2019 Bulletin (2018-2019)
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Narrative Courses
In this section
CI 443/543 Effective Strategies for Language Minority Students
CI 496/596 Second Language Acquisition & Development for K-12 Educators
CI 497/597 Assessment of Language and Content Learning for K-12 English Learners
CI 509 Practicum in ESL/Bilingual Education
CI 510 Experimental Course
ELP 465/565 School and Community Relations
ELP 466/566 Impact of Language and Culture
ELP 467/567 ESL/Bilingual Program Designs and Models
ITP 411/511 Classroom Management for Student Success
ITP 412/512 Learning and the Learner
ITP 413/513 Technology as a Tool for Learning
ITP 421/521 - 428/528 Secondary Methods
ITP 438/538 Integrated Methods and Curriculum Design
ITP 439/539 Elementary Mathematics Methods
ITP 442/542 Integrated Elementary Science Methods
ITP 452/552 Reflective Practitioner
ITP 453/553 Planning, Assessment, and Curriculum
ITP 454/554 Professional Development and Reflection
ITP 455/555 Language and Literacy Development of Diverse Learners
ITP 530 or 532 Student Teaching I
ITP 531 or 533 Student Teaching II
ITP 545 or 548 Student Teaching I
ITP 546 or 549 Student Teaching II
ITP 551 Research and Classroom Inquiry
SpEd 455/555 Working with LEP with Special Needs
Up one level
Narrative Courses
In this section
CI 443/543 Effective Strategies for Language Minority Students
CI 496/596 Second Language Acquisition & Development for K-12 Educators
CI 497/597 Assessment of Language and Content Learning for K-12 English Learners
CI 509 Practicum in ESL/Bilingual Education
CI 510 Experimental Course
ELP 465/565 School and Community Relations
ELP 466/566 Impact of Language and Culture
ELP 467/567 ESL/Bilingual Program Designs and Models
ITP 411/511 Classroom Management for Student Success
ITP 412/512 Learning and the Learner
ITP 413/513 Technology as a Tool for Learning
ITP 421/521 - 428/528 Secondary Methods
ITP 438/538 Integrated Methods and Curriculum Design
ITP 439/539 Elementary Mathematics Methods
ITP 442/542 Integrated Elementary Science Methods
ITP 452/552 Reflective Practitioner
ITP 453/553 Planning, Assessment, and Curriculum
ITP 454/554 Professional Development and Reflection
ITP 455/555 Language and Literacy Development of Diverse Learners
ITP 530 or 532 Student Teaching I
ITP 531 or 533 Student Teaching II
ITP 545 or 548 Student Teaching I
ITP 546 or 549 Student Teaching II
ITP 551 Research and Classroom Inquiry
SpEd 455/555 Working with LEP with Special Needs