Portland-State-University 2024-2025 Bulletin

Student Policies and Guidelines

Reasonable Accommodation/Access Policy

PSU students with disabilities are provided with reasonable accommodations that give them the opportunity for equal access to educational programs, activities, and university life. Prospective students are provided with reasonable accommodations to assist them in the application process.

The Disability Resource Center (DRC) works to ensure equal access to University courses, programs, facilities, services, and activities by providing students with documented disabilities reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, auxiliary aids and services, training, consultation, and technical assistance.

Creating a Culture of Respect Module

All PSU employees, including student employees, must complete the training module "Creating a Culture of Respect: Preventing Prohibited Discrimination and Unlawful Harassment." PSU strives to maintain a climate that values diversity and exemplifies mutual respect. To that end, you are required to complete this module in the first two weeks of employment. Your supervisor can assist you with any questions.

This training offers strategies for preventing unlawful discrimination, harassment, and retaliation within the University.  It teaches our community how to respond appropriately when they become aware of potential discrimination or harassment, educates us about the risk of liability to Portland State University, its managers, and individual employees, and, in keeping with PSU’s core values; promotes a climate of mutual respect.

Safe Campus Module

Safe Campus Module

Portland State University desires to create a safe campus for our students. As part of that mission, PSU requires all students to take the learning module entitled Creating a Safe Campus: Preventing Gender Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Assault.

Find the module in D2L. The module and accompanying exam will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. At the conclusion of the module, students should be aware of internal and external resources, reporting options, and PSU's policies and codes regarding gender discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, dating violence and domestic violence.

Student Conduct

The Student Conduct and Community Standards Program administers policies and procedures that support the academic and educational purposes of the University by ensuring a safe learning environment, protecting student rights, and addressing behaviors that may violate the standards set forth by the University. Any community member with concerns about the conduct of PSU students should reach out to Student Conduct and Community Standards for policy information, resources, and options for addressing such concerns. Students who have been alleged to have violated the Code will receive notice of the allegations, information about the process, and an opportunity to provide a response and information. For more information about the Code and Conduct Review Process, please visit www.pdx.edu/dean-student-life/student-conduct-community-standards.

Academic Integrity

The policy governing academic integrity is part of the Code of Student Conduct and Responsibility. Academic integrity is a cornerstone of the University and upholds the integrity of educational programs and degrees. The Code of Student Conduct and Responsibility, which applies to all students, prohibits all forms of academic misconduct  and provides a process under which alleged academic misconduct will be reviewed and addressed. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, buying and selling of course assignments, performing academic assignments for other persons, and unauthorized collaboration.

Student Health Insurance

Domestic students enrolled in five (5) or more in-load credit hours per term, or international students enrolled in one (1) credit hour, are required to carry major medical health insurance while attending PSU. Students are assessed a quarterly health insurance fee that enrolls them in the PSU Student Health Insurance Plan. A student may waive out of the PSU-sponsored health insurance plan if they maintain personal health insurance that meets University criteria. For more information about the PSU student health insurance waiver process, waiver deadlines, or to review the benefits and rules of the PSU Student Health Insurance Plan, visit https://www.pdx.edu/health-counseling/insurance.