Portland-State-University 2024-2025 Bulletin

Admission requirements

To be eligible to enter the 2-year Master of Architecture program a candidate must have completed a 4-year undergraduate pre-professional degree majoring in architecture (BA, BS or BFA), including at least 67.5 quarter credits (45 semester credits) of general education classes. To be eligible to enter the 3-year track a candidate must have completed a Bachelor's degree in any discipline. Admission to the graduate program is based upon satisfaction of the institutional requirements together with competitive application. Submission materials include a portfolio of architectural design and other creative work, a statement of intent, undergraduate GPA, a GRE score, curriculum vitae, and at least 3 letters of recommendation. Please contact the School for detailed application information and deadlines.

Submission materials for the Certificate in Public Interest Design include the above with the statement addressing interest in public interest design and a proposed timeline for completing the Certificate. (A GRE score is not required for the Certificate.) Admission to the Certificate in Urban Design is based on evidence of suitable preparation and the probability of success. See school websites for application criteria and processes. All students wishing to earn the certificates must be formally admitted to the programs via the respective admissions processes.