Portland-State-University 2023-2024 Bulletin

4. Race & Ethnic Studies Requirement (RESR)

Students entering PSU with fewer than 90 college transfer credits will satisfy this requirement by completing two RESR designated courses (a minimum of 3 credits each) with a central focus on race, ethnicity and systemic oppression. One course must focus on the U.S. experience; the second course must center the experiences of groups under European and U.S. colonialism and imperialism beyond the United States. One of the two courses taken must come from a course offered within the School of Gender, Race & Nations (SGRN) or one that is cross-listed with an

SGRN course. Students must select courses from the list below which identifies the list of acceptable U.S. focused courses, the list of European and U.S. Colonialism and Imperialism courses, as well as which courses come from or are cross-listed with SGRN departments. The courses which satisfy the SGRN component are identified with an asterisk before the course subject code.   

Students entering PSU with 90 or more college credits will satisfy this requirement by completing one RESR designated course (a minimum of 3 credits) with a central focus on race, ethnicity and systemic oppression.

RESR Course Lists

U.S. focused course list:

*Bi 346U/WS 346U

*BSt 202, BSt 203, BSt 204, BSt 207, BSt 214, BSt 221, BSt 302U, BSt 304, BSt 316,

*BSt 318U/CFS 318U,

*BSt 335U, BSt 342U, BSt 345U, BSt 351U, BSt 352U, BSt 378, BSt 384U

CCJ 317

CFS 310, CFS 385U, CFS 388U,

CFS 410 Selected Topic: Mothers, Mothering, Motherwork

CFS 487, CFS 488

*ChLa 201, ChLa 301U, ChLa 302U, ChLa 303U,

*ChLa 325/Hst 325,

*ChLa 326U/Hst 326U

*ChLa 360, ChLa 471

CS 418

Eng 353U, Eng 369U,

*Eng 372U/WS 372U Topics in Literature, Gender, and Sexuality: Lesbian & Womxn Identities in Lit,

*Eng 372U/WS 372U Topics in Literature, Gender, and Sexuality: Bodies, Power, and Places

ESM 487

FILM 384U Topics in American Cinema and Culture: Anatomy of a Film: Daughters of the Dust,

FILM 399 Special Studies: Black Queer Cinema

Hon 102 The Global City: The Global Inner City

Hon 201 Urban Social Sciences: Ethnographic Practicum

Hon 360 Honors Transfer Writing: Hip Hop and Urban Issues

Hon 360 Honors Transfer Writing: Identity, Community, and the Possibility of Freedom/The Position of Black Women During the "New Negro" Era

Hon 407 Seminar: Foundations of the Medical Humanities

Hon 407 Seminar: Race, Identity, and Place

Hon 407 Seminar: The Racial Politics of Urban America

Hst 324,

*Hst 325/ChLa 325,

*Hst 326U/ChLa 326U,

Hst 335U, Hst 442, Hst 446,

*Hst 471/ChLa 471

Ling 332U

*NAS 201, NAS 346, NAS 351U

*NAS 399 Special Studies: Indigenous Literary and Cultural Studies,

*NAS 399 Special Studies: Introduction to Native American Cinema,

*PIAA 302U/WS 302U

PS 335U

Soc 337U

SW 339

SW 410 Selected Topic: Social Justice in Health 

UnSt 421 Capstone: Environmental Justice, Decolonization, Dams, and Salmon in the Pacific NW

UnSt 421 Capstone: Healing and Indigenous Education at NAYA

*WS 305,

*WS 306U Global Gender Issues: Picturing Contemporary Asian America,

 *WS 307U, WS 330U, WS 332U,

*WS 346U/Bi 346U

*WS 372U/Eng 372U Topics in Literature, Gender, and Sexuality: Lesbian & Womxn Identities in Lit,

*WS 372U/Eng 372U Topics in Literature, Gender, and Sexuality: Bodies, Power, and Places,

*WS 375U, WS 381, WS 451

European and U.S. Colonialism and Imperialism course list: 

*BSt 206, BSt 211, BSt 305U, BSt 306U, BSt 319U, BSt 325U, BSt 326U, BSt 353U, BSt 356U, BSt 357U, BSt 359U, BSt 363U,

*BSt 372U/Intl 372U Post-Colonial Studies of Africa

*BSt 377U

*ChLa 341/Phl 341

CR 449

Eng 325U, Eng 420, Eng 422

FILM 370U Topics in Film, Media, and Culture: Cinema Against Empire,

FILM 487 Special Topics in International Film and the Moving Image: The Cinemas of Taiwan & Hong Kong,

FILM 487 Special Topics in International Film and the Moving Image: Art Cinema in Islamic Republic of Iran

Geog 325U/Intl 325U,

Geog 348U

Hon 101 The Global City: Colonial Worlds: Afterlives and Silences

Hon 102 The Global City: Ecologies of Power and Conflict

Hon 102 The Global City: Nationalism and the City: The Balkans

Hon 103 The Global City: Racial Capitalism in the Neoliberal World

Hon 407 Seminar: Cities of the Global South

Hon 407 Seminar: Latin American Cities

Hst 297 History through Film: Immigration and Belonging

Hst 367U, Hst 372/Jst 372

*Intl 372U/BSt 372U - Post-Colonial Studies of Africa

Intl 360U, Intl 380U

*Phl 341/ChLa 341

PS 355U

SOC 444

SPAN 331

*WS 369U, WS 471

*SGRN department list:

Black Studies (BSt)

Chicano/Latino Studies (ChLa)

Indigenous Nations Studies (NAS)

Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WS)