Electrical Engineering B.S.
The Electrical Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org, under the General Criteria and the Electrical, Computer, Communications, Telecommunication(s) and Similarly Named Engineering Program Criteria.
It is designed to provide a comprehensive background in the electrical sciences and offers an opportunity for specialization in the areas of analog/RF circuits, digital/VLSI design, electromagnetics, microelectronics, power engineering, and signal processing. This program provides the student with the educational background necessary for employment in virtually all electrical engineering fields.
Majors in electrical engineering must complete the following University and departmental degree requirements. Any deviation from the required courses must be approved by the department.
Freshman year
Sophomore year
ECE 211 | Introduction to Design Processes | 1 |
ECE 212 | Introduction to Project Development | 2 |
ECE 221 | Electric Circuit Analysis I | 4 |
ECE 222 | Electric Circuit Analysis II | 4 |
ECE 223 | Electric Circuit Analysis III | 4 |
Mth 254 | Calculus IV | 4 |
Mth 256 | Applied Ordinary Differential Equations | 4 |
Mth 261 | Introduction to Linear Algebra | 4 |
Ph 221 | General Physics (with Calculus) I | 3 |
Ph 222 | General Physics (with Calculus) II | 3 |
Ph 223 | General Physics (with Calculus) III | 3 |
Ph 214 | Lab for Ph 201 or Ph 211 or Ph 221 or Ph 231 | 1 |
Ph 215 | Lab for Ph 202 or Ph 212 or Ph 222 or Ph 232 | 1 |
Ph 216 | Lab for Ph 203 or Ph 213 or Ph 223 or Ph 233 | 1 |
| Sophomore Inquiry | 8 |
Total Credit Hours: | 47 |
Junior year
ECE 315 | Signals and Systems I | 4 |
ECE 316 | Signals and Systems II | 4 |
ECE 317 | Feedback and Control Systems | 4 |
ECE 321 | Electronics I | 4 |
ECE 322 | Electronics II | 4 |
ECE 331 | Engineering Electromagnetics I | 4 |
ECE 332 | Engineering Electromagnetics II | 4 |
EE 347 | Power Systems I | 4 |
ECE 371 | Microprocessors | 4 |
Stat 351 | Probability and Statistics for Electrical and Computer Engineering | 4 |
| Junior ECE elective | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 44 |
Junior-level ECE elective is any ECE or EE course numbered 311 or higher.
Senior year
ECE 411 | Industry Design Processes | 2 |
ECE 412 | Senior Project Development I | 4 |
ECE 413 | Senior Project Development II | 2 |
ECE 424 | Engineering Professional Practice | 2 |
| Junior or senior ECE electives | 8 |
| Senior ECE electives | 4 |
| Upper-division cluster | 8 |
| Free electives | 3 |
Ec 314U | Private and Public Investment Analysis | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 37 |
EC 314U is a required course contained within some upper-division clusters.
One junior- or senior-level ECE elective is any ECE or EE course numbered 311 or higher
One junior- or senior-level ECE elective may be a Mth, CS, ME, or Ph course numbered 311 (or 411) or higher
The senior-level ECE elective is any ECE course numbered 400 or higher