__University__ 2023-2024 Bulletin

Political Science Minor

The minor in Political Science requires fewer credits than the standard major and may be combined with other majors offered at PSU. Students are encouraged to take political science courses that complement their academic interests and scholarly goals. The political science minor is designed to be as flexible as possible to facilitate this end. Students considering a minor in political science are strongly encouraged to consult with a political science adviser to work out an instructional program that meets their needs. 


Lower Division Core Requirements (8 credits)

Choose two courses from the following four options:

PS 101United States Government



PS 102United States Politics



PS 204Comparative Politics


PS 205International Politics


PS 208Introduction to Political Theory


Upper Division Electives (20 credits)

Choose five upper-division PS courses, minimum three of which must be at 400-level


Total Credit Hours:28

All courses submitted to satisfy the requirement for a minor in political science must be passed with a grade of C or above. 

Of the 28 required course credits, students must complete at least 16 at PSU.