Portland-State-University 2023-2024 Bulletin

Economics M.S./M.A.

The Master of Arts has the same requirements as a Master of Science, but Master of Arts has an additional requirement of a foreign language. Students must complete an eleven-course core requirement (44 credits), with 48 credits in total. Credit requirements beyond the core courses may be satisfied entirely with an economics elective course or with a combination of economics seminar for a maximum of 4 credits and economics research for a maximum of 4 credits. Students have four options for completing the economics electives and/or research requirement:

  1. Select 4 credits of economics electives
  2. Select economics research to be completed in Ec 501 for a maximum of 4 credits
  3. Select 1 credit of economics seminar in Ec 518 for a maximum of 4 times (maximum 4 credits)
  4. Select a combination of economics research and economics seminar, for a total of 4 credits

Economics elective courses may be substituted by graduate courses from other departments with prior Department of Economics approval. The number of elective courses from other departments must not exceed one.


Core economics courses (44 credits)

Ec 570Econometrics


Ec 571Advanced Econometrics


Ec 575Applied Advanced Econometrics


Ec 576Implementing Econometrics using Stata and R


Ec 580Mathematical Economics


Ec 581Advanced Microeconomics


Ec 584Applications of Advanced Microeconomic Theory


Ec 590Advanced Macroeconomics


Ec 592Applications of Advanced Macroeconomic Theory


Ec 596Research Project I


Ec 597Research Project II


Economics electives and/or Economics Research (4 credits)

Option I: Economics Electives

Option II: Economics Research (Ec 501)

Option III: Economics Seminar (Ec 518)

Option III: A combination of Economics Research (Ec 501) and Economics Seminar (Ec 518)

Students with questions concerning transferred credits should contact the Graduate adviser.