Portland-State-University 2023-2024 Bulletin

Earth, Environment and Society Ph.D.

The Earth, Environment, & Society (EES) doctoral program provides an opportunity for the student to engage in relevant research while acquiring advanced academic training in Environmental Science and Management, Geography, Geology, or a related field. One of the goals of the program is to provide a broadly based understanding of one of the above fields coupled with scientific training in one or more specialty areas. The student will follow a program of study and research approved by the EES program. The graduating student will be awarded a degree in Earth, Environment, & Society.

Admission Requirements

Applicants for admission to the Earth, Environment, & Society (EES) doctoral program normally will be expected to have completed a Bachelor's or Master's degree in a related field that will have prepared them to become engaged in state-of-the-art original research. 

Degree requirements

In addition to the requirements listed above, each student must complete the following.

At least 81 credits past the bachelor's degree:

Course requirements

  • Four credits of seminar, which may be satisfied by any combination of ESM/G/Geog 507 Speakers Series, ESR 655/ESR 656/ESR 657 Professional Prep series, Research Group Seminars at the departmental 500 level, and Journal Clubs offered in the student’s area at the departmental 500 level (4 credits);

  • Two credits of professional development, ESR 655 and ESR 656 or other similar courses recommended by the Advisory Committee and subject to approval by the EES doctoral program director (2 credits);

  • One course in research methods, such as ESM 566, ESM 567, G 523, Geog 525, Geog 597, Geog 694, USP 683, Soc 592 or other similar course recommended by the Advisory Committee and subject to approval by the EES doctoral program director (3-4 credits);

  • Dissertation credits (27 credits).

  • Electives or previous graduate coursework as approved by the advisory committee (45 credits).
Total Credit Hours:81

Substitutions for the courses listed above may be granted by petitioning the EES doctoral program director.

Additional Requirements

In addition to the general requirements, each student will be required to complete any coursework necessary to indicate competence in environmental scholarship at the graduate level, as determined by the Advisory Committee. It is required that all EES doctoral students take at least one 1-credit seminar course (as defined above) for every term they're in residence until advancing to candidacy.

Comprehensive Exams

EES doctoral students must take a comprehensive examination that involves both written and oral components. The purpose of this exam is to test student mastery of the scholarly areas that are most relevant to the student’s expected research, as well as the student’s ability to critically analyze and communicate key ideas in the field. Students work with comprehensive exam committee members to select the field areas in advance of the exam and develop a reading list for each area that is articulated in the Comprehensive Exam Prospectus.  After the successful completion of the written exam, students meet with the entire comprehensive exam committee for the oral exam.  Students must pass both written and oral components of the exam in order to schedule the dissertation proposal defense.


The student must submit a research proposal suitable for the doctoral dissertation in Earth, Environment, & Society. This is done under the guidance of the student’s adviser and is approved by the Dissertation Committee and the Director of the Earth, Environment, and Society doctoral program. The research for the dissertation is conducted under the guidance of the student’s dissertation committee. After the dissertation is complete and after advancement to candidacy (see below), a final oral defense will be conducted, open to the public, within the subject area of the dissertation.

Advancement to candidacy

As soon as the student has successfully completed the course and comprehensive examination requirements and has had the dissertation prospectus approved, the student is recommended for advancement to candidacy for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. This recommendation is approved by the dean of Graduate Studies.

Financial support

There are a limited number of teaching assistantships and research assistantships available that are offered through the College and through the constituent departments (ESM, Geography, Geology).


Any student who ceases to be enrolled for more than one academic term without formal leave of absence will be assumed to have withdrawn from the degree program and will be formally dropped from it. Students who fail to make satisfactory progress toward the degree may be dropped from the program.

The student can be readmitted only by formal application, subject to all current admission requirements. In addition, completion of the degree will be subject to the student’s meeting all current degree requirements.

Leave of absence

Requests for a leave of absence must be approved by the EES program director and the Graduate School.