Graduate Certificate in Engineering Geology
The Graduate Certificate in Engineering Geology provides practicing geologists an opportunity to upgrade their engineering credentials and post-baccalaureate students in an accessible way to obtain skills in engineering geology while partially fulfilling requirements towards a Professional Masters. The certificate is designed to accommodate professionals and students who are employed full or part-time.
Career Opportunities
This Certificate is designed for professionals and students interested in the field of engineering geology. It can represent a portion of a professional geologist’s training, as well as a portion of the background needed by registered professional engineering geologists in the state of Oregon. Practicing geologists can use this Certificate, which indicates added skills and background, for professional development. This Certificate program also can be used towards a graduate degree.
Choose 1 course from each of the following 4 sections:
G 570 | Engineering Geology | 4 |
Choose One:
G 650 | Research Methods I - Reading | 4 |
G 651 | Research Methods II - Writing | 4 |
G 523 | Statistics and Data Analysis in the Geosciences | 4 |
Choose One:
CE 537 | Earthquake Engineering | 4 |
CE 541 | Advanced Soil Mechanics | 4 |
CE 542 | In Situ Behavior and Testing of Soils | 4 |
CE 543 | Introduction To Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering | 4 |
CE 544 | Advanced Shallow Foundation Design | 4 |
CE 546 | Numerical Methods in Soil-Structure Interaction | 4 |
CE 549 | Deep Foundation Design and Analysis | 4 |
CE 550 | Transportation Safety Analysis | 4 |
CE 569 | Subsurface Hydrology | 4 |
Geog 580 | Fundamentals of Remote Sensing | 4 |
Geog 588/USP 591 | Geographic Information Systems I: Introduction | 4 |
Geog 592/USP 592 | Geographic Information Systems II: Advanced GIS | 4 |
**If G 524 or G 525 is taken toward this certificate, then Geog 588 and Geog 592 may not be taken from this list to count toward these 4 credits.
Choose One:
G 524 | Geographical Information Systems for the Natural Sciences | 4 |
G 525 | Field GIS | 4 |
G 562 | Hillslope Materials and Processes | 4 |
G 576 | Earthquake Geology | 4 |
G 580 | Basin Analysis | 4 |
G 581 | Field Geology | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: 16
Courses must be completed within seven years of the award of the Graduate Certificate, and a cumulative GPA of 3.00 must be attained in all courses to be used for the Certificate. At least two thirds of the credits for the Graduate Certificate, or 15 credits, whichever is larger, are required to be taken at Portland State University.