__University__ 2023-2024 Bulletin

Writing Minor


To earn a minor in writing, a student must complete 28 WR credits (12 credits of which must be taken in residence at PSU).

  • Sixteen credits must be taken at the upper-division level.
  • One WIC course may be applied to the minor requirements.
  • No more than 8 credits total from the following may be applied to the Writing minor: Wr 399, Wr 404, Wr 405.
  • No more than 8 credits total of courses taken with undifferentiated grading (i.e. Pass/No Pass) may be applied to the Writing minor.
  • Any course used to satisfy the minor requirement must have been assigned a grade of Pass (undifferentiated grading) or a grade of C or higher (differentiated grading).

Note:  The following courses will not count as part of the Writing minor: Wr 115 Introduction to College Writing, Wr 121Z Composition I, Wr 199 Special Studies, Wr 210 Grammar Refresher, Wr 211 Writing Practice, Wr 222 Writing Research Papers, or Wr 323 Writing as Critical Inquiry.