Portland-State-University 2023-2024 Bulletin

Conflict Resolution M.A./M.S.

Students in this program will study the theoretical, conceptual, and methodological dimensions of conflict resolution.  In order to fulfill the MA/MS requirements, each student will design and complete a thesis or project reflective of their interests in the field.

Required Courses

CR 512Foundations of Conflict Resolution


CR 513Advanced Values and Ethics in Conflict Resolution


CR 518Psychology of Peace and Conflict


CR 526Advanced Intercultural Conflict Resolution


CR 508Workshop


CR 511Research Methods in Conflict Resolution


CR 509Practicum


CR 522Thesis and Project Preparation Seminar



12 credits of 500-level Conflict Resolution courses.

Project Option

In the project option, the MA/MS culminates in project that follows from a program planned in consultation with the student’s adviser. Guidelines for the project proposal are available from the program office. Once approved by the adviser and committee, a signed copy of the proposal is filed with the program office.  Projects typically involve a synthesis of learning and practice in service to a community need for a conflict resolution application.  Upon completion of the project and write up, the student will present it in an oral examination before a committee comprising the project adviser, a second reader from among program or PSU faculty and, optionally, a third reader. Projects in their final form are filed in the program office.

Students must complete 8 credits of CR 506 for the project option.

Thesis Option

In the thesis option, the MA/MS culminates in the preparation and defense of a thesis based upon original research that follows from a program planned in consultation with the student’s adviser.  Guidelines for the thesis proposal are available from the program. Once accepted and approved by the adviser and thesis committee, a signed copy of the proposal is filed with the program office.  Upon completion of the thesis, each student must defend it in an oral examination before a thesis committee.  Thesis committees typically consist of three faculty members from PSU, with no more than one member from outside of the CR faculty. After a successful defense and in accordance with PSU’s Procedures for the Master’s Degree, the thesis in its final form is filed with the Graduate School.

Students must complete 8 credits of CR 503 for the thesis option.

Total Credit Hours: 54

Up to 8 credits from outside Conflict Resolution may be counted towards fulfilling degree requirements with approval of adviser.