Portland-State-University 2023-2024 Bulletin

Academic Credit


Academic Credit Hour Policy

This credit hour definition is based on the traditional Carnegie unit and aligns with the Federal financial aid definition mandated by the United States Department of Education’s (USDE) regulations [34 CFR 600.02 and 668.8, effective July 1, 2020] and the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) standards and policies.

As the basic unit of measurement of educational accomplishment the credit hour is used to measure student progress toward a degree, which in turn enables PSU’s programs to be eligible for Title IV Financial Aid programs under the Higher Education Act.

These definitions rely on the ‘50-minute’ credit hour when considering in-class meeting times. The PSU standard class scheduling time grid provides sufficient in-class time for both 3 and 4 credit classes.

PSU Definition:

The credit hour is conceptually framed as an amount of student work (i.e. a reasonable approximation of the total time commitment required of the typical student) associated with achieving intended learning outcomes. Under PSU’s quarter system, one academic credit is given for a minimum of 30 hours of student work over the term (i.e. a 1:30 ratio over the term). If the course meets regularly for 10 weeks, then 1 credit would require a minimum of 3 hours of student time per week for the 10 week term (i.e. a 1:3 ratio per week for 10 weeks).

  • For a standard lecture/seminar class section with synchronous meetings, a minimum of 1 hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of 2 hours of out-of-class student work is required per week for a 10 week instructional term (1:3), or an equivalent amount of work distributed over a different time period (1:30).
  • For other credit-bearing activities - such as labs, internships, practica, studio work, projects, mentor sessions - 1 credit requires at least an equivalent amount of student work spread out over the term (i.e. 1:30 ratio).

    Important Note: The policy sets the minimum level of student work/time required per credit, not an upper limit. The standards for the amount of student work per credit can vary greatly by academic unit. Each academic unit determines the structure of such courses and the credit hour ratio, based on variations in commonly accepted disciplinary and accreditation standards/practice within postsecondary education.

Student work includes time spent in:

  • Direct Instruction, where the core/primary course content is delivered, typically by faculty during synchronous class meetings, but also includes guided learning through core material via asynchronous online delivery,
  • Outside of Class study time, reading assignments, homework, papers, group work, exam preparation, etc., and
    Other Academic Activities which include credit and non-credit bearing course sections designed to review, discuss, practice or apply the course (and program) concepts delivered via direct instruction. Other Academic Activities include the following course types: laboratory, internships, practica, studio, projects, and other supplemental support sections like mentored inquiry.

Alternative Delivery Formats - Hybrid, Online - No Scheduled Meetings, Partial Term

Classes that do not use synchronous meeting/contact times (for example, hybrid or asynchronous online courses) - or only meet for a partial term (i.e. for fewer than the standard 10 weeks) - will meet the credit hour standard if the course content and outcomes cover the same material in the same depth as a standard 10-week synchronous version of the same course, and the amount of student work is the same. Regardless of the length of the course or the amount of time spent in synchronous learning, the course learning outcomes, subject matter/content covered, and amount of student work must be equivalent to the amount of work/learning associated with the standard 10-week course.

Transferring Credit Hours

PSU is on the quarter-system calendar and all credit hours listed in the PSU Bulletin and schedule of classes refer to quarter credits. Semester credits transferred to PSU from other accredited United States schools may be converted to PSU’s credits by multiplying by 1.5 (e.g., 3 semester hours x 1.5 = 4.5 quarter credits). The 1.5 multiplication rule applies only to semester credits transferred from regionally accredited U.S. schools. Credits transferred from accredited schools outside the United States will be converted according to established international transfer credit guidelines and policies. PSU credits transferred out to a semester system institution may be converted by multiplying the number of quarter credits by .67 to determine the semester hour equivalent (e.g., 4 quarter credits x .67 = 2.68 semester credits).

NWCCU Considerations

In accordance with the NWCCU policy, PSU faculty will determine the amount of work associated with a credit hour, by considering learning outcomes and by accounting for a variety of delivery methods, measurements of student work, academic calendars, disciplines, degree levels, and commonly established standards/practices within postsecondary education.

PSU periodically reviews the application of its policy on credit hours across the institution to assure that credit hour assignments are accurate, fair, equitable and reliable across degree levels, academic disciplines, delivery modes, and types of academic activities.

Academic Credit Overload

Undergraduate Academic Credit Overload

Undergraduate students who enroll in more than 21 credits per term are considered to be in academic overload. PSU audit credits and transfer credit taken at other institutions while concurrently enrolled at PSU are counted in determining overload status. Transfer credits that result in an overload for a given term will not be accepted in transfer unless prior approval has been granted.


Academic overload must be approved on a term-by-term basis as follows:

  •  22-25 credits: Students must obtain prior approval from their academic program adviser using the Overload Approval Form, to be submitted to the Office of the Registrar in advance of the overload term.

  •  26 or more credits: Students must obtain prior permission from the Academic Requirements Committee (ARC) by submitting an ARC petition in advance of the overload term. Students must provide justification for the overload and obtain written support from their academic program adviser. Petitions must be submitted using the Academic Requirements Committee petition prior to the first day of the overload term.

Graduate Academic Credit Overload

Graduate students must obtain approval for registration in excess of 16 credits (graduate and undergraduate credits combined) via the Overload Approval form. A student registering for 17 to 19 credits must obtain the approval from their department chair or faculty adviser. A student registering for 20 credits or more must obtain the approval of their department chair and the Graduate School. A graduate assistant registering for more than 16 credits must obtain approval from their department chair and the Graduate School.

Computer Science and Electrical & Computer Engineering graduate students have a lower maximum registration limit of 10 credits. These students must obtain approval to register for 11 or more credits via the Overload Approval form.

Class standing

Class standing is based on the number of credits a student has completed, according to the following schedule:

Class Standing Credits Completed
Freshman 1-44
Sophomore 45-89
Upper-division standing 90 or more
Junior 90-134
Senior 135 or more
Postbaccalaureate Hold an undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university