Portland-State-University 2020-2021 Bulletin

Military Science

UTS room 204

2121 SW 4th Ave



The department of military science entails the study of techniques, psychology, and practice used with the training of officers and soldiers. Military Science encompasses six major branches as follows:

Military Organizations Develops optimal methods for the administration and organization of military units, as well as the military as a whole.

Military Education and Training Studies the methodology and practices involved in training soldiers, NCOs (non-commissioned officers, i.e. sergeants), and officers.

Military History Military activity has been a constant process over thousands of years, and the essential tactics, strategy, and goals of military operations have been unchanging throughout history.

Military Geography Military geography encompasses much more than protestation to take the high ground, it studies the obvious, the geography of theatres, also the additional characteristics of politics, economics, and other natural features of locations.

Military Technology and Equipment Military technology is not just the study of various technologies and applicable physical sciences used to increase military power. It may also extend to the study of production methods of military equipment, and ways to improve performance and reduce material and/or technological requirements for its production.

Military Strategy and Doctrine Military strategy is in many ways the centerpiece of military science. It studies the specifics of combat, and attempts to reduce the many factors to a set of principles that govern all interactions of the field of battle. Portland State University and the Oregon Army National Guard offer a unique leadership development program specifically for the civilian career-minded student. This program, Guard Officer Leadership Development or GOLD/ROTC provides motivated young men and women with exciting and valuable instruction in a variety of areas such as decision-making, goal-setting, team-building, and small-group leadership. Classroom and outdoor activities are designed to physically, mentally, and emotionally challenge you, build your self-confidence, and develop your leadership skills. If you qualify, you could earn a commission as an Army officer upon graduation in the Oregon Army National Guard.


GOLD/ROTC is a four-year program that provides on-campus military science instruction in two parts: the Basic Course and the Advanced Course. For this training, you are paid as a Sergeant (E-5). Both Courses are fully accredited and applicable towards fulfilling academic requirements for a baccalaureate degree.

Basic Course

The Basic Course is comprised of 100 and 200-level lower division courses, is usually taken in your freshman and sophomore years, and is open to any student enrolled at PSU. Your participation in this course is completely voluntary and requires no military commitment. Instruction is oriented on adventurous outdoor activities that give you insight into the military service, basic soldiering, and leadership.

You also get to learn about the citizen-soldier and his or her social contributions, duties, and responsibilities. Through your personal involvement, you get to see whether this role appeals to you.

Advanced Course

The Advanced Course is a two-year pre-commissioning phase that integrates classroom instruction, military training, and practical experience to progressively develop your leader skills, qualities, and character. Further leadership development will occur in 300/400 level Military Science and Army Physical Fitness classes. We will continuously assess your performance and provide you the essential feedback and reinforcement you need to become a leader in business, the community, and the Army National Guard.

Eligibility For The Basic Course. This course is open to any student enrolled at PSU.

Eligibility For The Advanced Course. You must meet these requirements to be accepted into the Advanced Course:

  • Be between 18 and 30 years old. Age wavier may be granted up to age 35 by the Adjutant General or Commanding General of the State or Territory you reside in. (NGB-ARH Memo #06-11)
  • Be a U.S. citizen.
  • Be a member of the Army National Guard, Army Reserves or completed MS 100/200 level classes or attended LTC (Leadership Training Course) during the summer of your sophomore year.
  • Be in good health as evidence by a current Chapter II or DODMERB physical.
  • Be of good moral character and behavior.
  • If you are currently in the Army National Guard or Reserves you do not have to participate in the Basic Course to enter the Advanced Course, but it is encouraged.

Military Science (MS) Courses