Physics B.A./B.S.
It is important that students planning to major in physics contact the Department of Physics prior to the start of their work in order that a coherent program can be planned with their assigned adviser.
Students planning to transfer to PSU from community colleges or other universities are strongly advised to contact the Department of Physics well ahead of their proposed date of transfer so that a smooth transition, which avoids course duplication and untimely delays, can be accomplished. Students need to choose between the standard option, the environmental physics option, and the biomedical option.
In addition to meeting the general University degree requirements, the student must meet the following minimal departmental course requirements:
Standard Option
Ph 201 | General Physics | 4 |
Ph 202 | General Physics | 4 |
Ph 203 | General Physics | 4 |
| or | |
Ph 211 | General Physics (with Calculus) I | 4 |
Ph 212 | General Physics (with Calculus) II | 4 |
Ph 213 | General Physics (with Calculus) III | 4 |
| or | |
Ph 221 | General Physics (with Calculus) I | 3 |
Ph 222 | General Physics (with Calculus) II | 3 |
Ph 223 | General Physics (with Calculus) III | 3 |
| With | |
Ph 214 | Lab for Ph 201 or Ph 211 or Ph 221 or Ph 231 | 1 |
Ph 215 | Lab for Ph 202 or Ph 212 or Ph 222 or Ph 232 | 1 |
Ph 216 | Lab for Ph 203 or Ph 213 or Ph 223 or Ph 233 | 1 |
| | |
Ph 311 | Introduction to Modern Physics I | 4 |
Ph 312 | Introduction to Modern Physics II | 4 |
Ph 314 | Experimental Physics I | 4 |
Ph 315 | Experimental Physics II | 4 |
Ph 316 | Experimental Physics III | 4 |
Ph 322 | Computational Physics | 4 |
Ph 424 | Classical Mechanics I | 4 |
Ph 426 | Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics | 4 |
Ph 431 | Electricity and Magnetism I | 4 |
Mth 251 | Calculus I | 4 |
Mth 252 | Calculus II | 4 |
Mth 253 | Calculus III | 4 |
Mth 254 | Calculus IV | 4 |
Mth 256 | Applied Ordinary Differential Equations | 4 |
Mth 261 | Introduction to Linear Algebra | 4 |
One year of general chemistry:
Ch 221 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
Ch 222 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
Ch 223 | General Chemistry III | 4 |
Ch 227 | General Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
Ch 228 | General Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
Ch 229 | General Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
At least two of the following courses:
Ph 411 | Introduction to Quantum Mechanics | 4 |
Ph 425 | Classical Mechanics II | 4 |
Ph 432 | Electricity and Magnetism II | 4 |
Ph 434 | Methods of Mathematical Physics | 4 |
Ph 464 | Applied Optics | 4 |
Two courses in a related area of science or technology (minimum 6 credits total):
| biology, geology, chemistry, computer science, electrical engineering, or physics | 6 |
Total Credit Hours: | 101-104 |
Environmental Option
Ph 201 | General Physics | 4 |
Ph 202 | General Physics | 4 |
Ph 203 | General Physics | 4 |
| or | |
Ph 211 | General Physics (with Calculus) I | 4 |
Ph 212 | General Physics (with Calculus) II | 4 |
Ph 213 | General Physics (with Calculus) III | 4 |
| or | |
Ph 221 | General Physics (with Calculus) I | 3 |
Ph 222 | General Physics (with Calculus) II | 3 |
Ph 223 | General Physics (with Calculus) III | 3 |
| With | |
Ph 214 | Lab for Ph 201 or Ph 211 or Ph 221 or Ph 231 | 1 |
Ph 215 | Lab for Ph 202 or Ph 212 or Ph 222 or Ph 232 | 1 |
Ph 216 | Lab for Ph 203 or Ph 213 or Ph 223 or Ph 233 | 1 |
| | |
Ph 311 | Introduction to Modern Physics I | 4 |
Ph 312 | Introduction to Modern Physics II | 4 |
Ph 314 | Experimental Physics I | 4 |
Ph 316 | Experimental Physics III | 4 |
Ph 375U | Climate Change and Human Life | 4 |
Ph 426 | Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics | 4 |
Mth 251 | Calculus I | 4 |
Mth 252 | Calculus II | 4 |
Mth 253 | Calculus III | 4 |
Mth 254 | Calculus IV | 4 |
Mth 256 | Applied Ordinary Differential Equations | 4 |
Mth 261 | Introduction to Linear Algebra | 4 |
Choose one of the following courses:
Ph 411 | Introduction to Quantum Mechanics | 4 |
Ph 424 | Classical Mechanics I | 4 |
Ph 431 | Electricity and Magnetism I | 4 |
Ph 432 | Electricity and Magnetism II | 4 |
Ph 434 | Methods of Mathematical Physics | 4 |
Ph 464 | Applied Optics | 4 |
Ph 322 | Computational Physics | 4 |
Choose one of the following courses:
Ph 471/ESM 471 | Physical and Human Dimensions of Climate Change | 4 |
Ph 473 | Alternative Energies | 4 |
Ph 490 | Cellular and Molecular Biophysics | 4 |
One year of general chemistry:
Ch 221 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
Ch 222 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
Ch 223 | General Chemistry III | 4 |
Ch 227 | General Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
Ch 228 | General Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
Ch 229 | General Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
One year of principles of biology:
Bi 211 | Principles of Biology: Molecular Cell Biology & Genetics | 4 |
Bi 212 | Principles of Biology: Development, Evolution & Ecology | 4 |
Bi 213 | Principles of Biology: Organisms, Biodiversity & Conservation | 4 |
Bi 214 | Principles of Biology Lab I | 1 |
Bi 215 | Principles of Biology Lab II | 1 |
Bi 216 | Principles of Biology Lab III | 1 |
Choose 15 credits of electives from the following:
See adviser for substitutions.
Biomedical Option
Required physics courses:
Ph 201 | General Physics | 4 |
Ph 202 | General Physics | 4 |
Ph 203 | General Physics | 4 |
| or | |
Ph 211 | General Physics (with Calculus) I | 4 |
Ph 212 | General Physics (with Calculus) II | 4 |
Ph 213 | General Physics (with Calculus) III | 4 |
| or | |
Ph 221 | General Physics (with Calculus) I | 3 |
Ph 222 | General Physics (with Calculus) II | 3 |
Ph 223 | General Physics (with Calculus) III | 3 |
| With | |
Ph 214 | Lab for Ph 201 or Ph 211 or Ph 221 or Ph 231 | 1 |
Ph 215 | Lab for Ph 202 or Ph 212 or Ph 222 or Ph 232 | 1 |
Ph 216 | Lab for Ph 203 or Ph 213 or Ph 223 or Ph 233 | 1 |
| | |
Ph 311 | Introduction to Modern Physics I | 4 |
Ph 312 | Introduction to Modern Physics II | 4 |
Ph 314 | Experimental Physics I | 4 |
Ph 316 | Experimental Physics III | 4 |
Ph 426 | Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics | 4 |
Ph 321 | Current Electricity | 4 |
Ph 431 | Electricity and Magnetism I | 4 |
Ph 322 | Computational Physics | 4 |
At least three of the following electives in physics:
Please see the undergraduate adviser to register for the following OHSU substitute courses:
RDTT 331 | Radiation Therapy Physics I | 3 |
RDTT 430 | Radiation Therapy Physics II | 3 |
| Upper-division electives in physics (minimum) | 12 |
Required non-physics courses:
Bi 211 | Principles of Biology: Molecular Cell Biology & Genetics | 4 |
Bi 212 | Principles of Biology: Development, Evolution & Ecology | 4 |
Bi 213 | Principles of Biology: Organisms, Biodiversity & Conservation | 4 |
Bi 214 | Principles of Biology Lab I | 1 |
Bi 215 | Principles of Biology Lab II | 1 |
Bi 216 | Principles of Biology Lab III | 1 |
Ch 221 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
Ch 222 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
Ch 223 | General Chemistry III | 4 |
Ch 227 | General Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
Ch 228 | General Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
Ch 229 | General Chemistry Laboratory | 1 |
Ch 334 | Organic Chemistry I | 4 |
Ch 335 | Organic Chemistry II | 4 |
Ch 336 | Organic Chemistry III | 4 |
Ch 337 | Organic Chemistry Laboratory I | 2 |
Ch 338 | Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (nonmajors) | 2 |
Mth 251 | Calculus I | 4 |
Mth 252 | Calculus II | 4 |
Mth 253 | Calculus III | 4 |
Mth 254 | Calculus IV | 4 |
Mth 256 | Applied Ordinary Differential Equations | 4 |
Mth 261 | Introduction to Linear Algebra | 4 |
Total Credit Hours: | 129 |
Courses taken under the undifferentiated grading option (pass/no pass) are not acceptable toward fulfilling department major requirements except for those major courses offered on a pass/no pass basis only.