Portland-State-University 2020-2021 Bulletin

SHAC Health Promotion & Education

Health Promotion & Education

University Center Building,  Suite 307
527 SW Hall Street


The focus of Health Promotion & Education rests in comprehensive community level interventions aimed to influence the environment in which students live, work, and learn. This work is accomplished through health promotion programs (planned, organized events and activities that empower students over time to make informed decisions regarding their health); health education (providing health enhancing learning experiences for faculty, staff, and students through campus-wide events, workshops, and classes); and environmental approaches (policies and partnerships).

Health Promotion & Education is comprised of:

Illuminate is an interpersonal violence prevention (IPV) program which uses the power of prevention education to promote healthy relationships and sexuality by addressing the underlying social determinants of violence and to create equal and respectful relationships. Illuminate seeks to shed light on the social injustices that lead to sexual and relationship violence and to create social change through prevention programming such as bystander intervention, anti-oppression, consent workshops, and campus social norms.

The Wellness & Health Action Team (WHAT), which is a group of peer health education who take a peer mentor approach to talking about and educating students on a wide variety of wellbeing topics and healthy lifestyle choices.

Mental Health Promotion encompasses trauma-informed trainings for faculty, staff and students who serve other students, suicide prevention programming and support and advocacy for students in recovery, including those involved with the Collegiate Recovery Community student organization.

Health Promotion & Education also manages the Mind Spa, a place students can reserve by appointment to relax, reduce stress, and learn stress and anxiety-reducing skills. The Mind Spa includes a yoga space, full-body massage chair, light therapy alcove, and a biofeedback station. There is also a Virtual Mind Spa Experience that can be found online and accessed whenever needed.