Portland-State-University 2020-2021 Bulletin

Advising & Career Services

The Advising & Career Services Division includes academic advising, career, and transfer services at Portland State University. 


Undergraduate Advising Resource Center

FMH 360

The Undergraduate Advising Resource Center serves as the hub for the Advising & Career Services Division at Portland State University. Academic advising is organized into seven Advising Pathways which group similar majors and give students the opportunity to stay with the same advisor and advising team as often as possible even if they change their major. Students are assigned to an advisor who will help them to understand graduation requirements, create degree plans, and successfully achieve their educational goals. (Please note some Advising Pathways are served in other locations.)

University Career Center

FMH 342

The University Career Center provides support to all PSU students and alumni in all aspects of their career development including: exploration, preparation and planning, job and internship searching, and making career changes and transitions through individual appointments, drop ins, workshops, classes and extensive online resources. They also maintain the job and internship portal, Handshake, and coordinate several career fairs and employer visits each academic year.

Transfer & Returning Student Resource Center

FMH 342


The Transfer and Returning Student Resource Center (TRSRC) helps prospective transfer students, and students returning or enrolling after a break in their education, smoothly transition to PSU. The TRSRC supports transfer and returning student degree completion through early and proactive academic and career advising and provision of assistance with accessing PSU resources and services.