Portland-State-University 2020-2021 Bulletin

SHAC Student Health and Counseling

Center for Student Health and Counseling (SHAC)
University Center Building
1800 SW 6th Avenue
Medical and Counseling (Suite 200): 503-725-2800
Dental (Suite 307): 503-725-2611


The Center for Student Health and Counseling (SHAC) provides high quality, accessible medical, counseling, dental, testing, and health promotion services to PSU students. All students taking five (5) or more* in-load credit hours in a term are assessed a Student Health Fee which provides access to SHAC services, no matter what health insurance they carry. The Student Health Fee is assessed on a per-term basis and is non-refundable.

Students who are SHAC-eligible in Spring term, and either graduate in June or do not plan to attend summer term, can still use SHAC services through the summer on a fee-for-service basis.

Visit www.pdx.edu/health-counseling for more information about SHAC’s services.

*SHAC Dental Services is available to PSU students enrolled in one (1) credit hour or more per term.