Portland-State-University 2017-2018 Bulletin

Mathematics and Statistics Honors Track

The Honors Track in Mathematics and Statistics offers an opportunity for outstanding mathematics majors to engage in independent research under the supervision of a faculty member. Students who successfully complete the honors track will receive notice of this distinction on their academic transcripts and on their diplomas.

The requirements for admission to the Mathematics and Statistics Honors Track are:

  1. Completion of 12 credits in the Fariborz Maseeh Department of Mathematics and Statistics, 4 of which should be at a 300-level or above;
  2. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 points and a minimum GPA of 3.67 points in the Mathematics major;
  3. Complete application form submitted to the Fariborz Maseeh Department of Mathematics and Statistics no later than three quarters before graduation.


The Mathematics and Statistics Honors Track requirements for graduation are:


Mth 251Calculus I


Mth 252Calculus II


Mth 253Calculus III


Mth 254Calculus IV


Mth 261Introduction to Linear Algebra


Mth 256Applied Differential Equations I


Mth 311Introduction to Mathematical Analysis I


Mth 312Introduction to Mathematical Analysis II


Mth 344Introduction to Group Theory and Applications


Mth 401Honors Project


One of the following: (4 credits)

Mth 271Mathematical Computing


CS 161Introduction to Programming and Problem-Solving


Additional Requirements chosen from Approved List of courses-sequences

Mth/Stat (two)Approved 400-level sequences


Mth/Stat (one)Approved 300- or 400-level elective course


The chair of the Fariborz Maseeh Department of Mathematics and Statistics, in consultation with faculty, will assign the students a faculty adviser to guide their research. This research topic will be at a 400-level or above and will not have been discussed or presented in courses the students have taken. The written project should be approved by the chair of the department. Concluding the work, the students will give an oral presentation of the Honors project to faculty and students.

Students must have a cumulative GPA no lower than 3.5 points and a GPA no lower than 3.67 points in the major.

No mathematics or statistics courses taken under the undifferentiated grading option are acceptable towards fulfilling the requirements for the Mathematics and Statistics Honors Track.

The chair and an undergraduate adviser will monitor the progress of the students accepted in the Mathematics and Statistics Honors Track. If this progress and/or performance are found to be unsatisfactory and if corrective actions cannot be identified, the students will be dropped from the Mathematics and Statistics Honors Track (the students may opt out to pursue a regular mathematics major or to select another major).