__University__ 2017-2018 Bulletin

Gender, Race, and Nations Graduate Certificate

Certificate Requirements

The overall focus of the certificate is to address a number of pressing concerns confronting students in the 21st Century. The GRN certificate will enable students to: 1) Promote innovative and nontraditional epistemological and methodological approaches to learning that are consistent with the communities served by some of the students; 2) Expand critical analytical frameworks of race, gender, and nations to better illuminate the interconnected and complex issues of today’s society; 3) Engage in community-based research projects that incorporate Portland’s growing diversity; and 4) Develop collaborative leadership skills that better address diversity and equity initiatives.

A B.A. or B.S. is a prerequisite for the GRN Graduate Certificate. All courses must be taken at the graduate (500 or above) level. A maximum of only one course numbered 501-510 per student is allowed; such a course can substitute only as an elective. Courses taken under the undifferentiated grading option (pass/no pass) are not acceptable toward fulfilling certificate requirements.

Incoming students must consult with the SGRN Graduate Coordinator and/or designated expert faculty advisors of the departments and programs of SGRN. The Coordinator and/or faculty advisors will approve student plans of study including emendations or substitutions to the curriculum.

Core Courses (8 credits)

GRN 515Constructions of Power and Knowledge: Gender, Race, and Nations


GRN 520Critical and Decolonizing Research Methodologies


Approved Electives (16 credits)

BSt 511African American History Seminar


BSt 550Topics in African/Caribbean History and Culture


BSt 584African American Community Development


GRN 530Social Justice Pedagogy


GRN 550Seminar in Gender, Race, and Nations


WS 512Feminist Methodologies


WS 517Women in the Economy


WS 525/Soc 525Sociology of Gender


WS 551Interrupting Oppression


WS 571Global Feminisms


A maximum of 4 credits from independent study or by-arrangement courses is allowed.

BSt 504/ChLa 504/NAS 504/WS 504 Cooperative Education/Internship
BSt 505/ChLa 505/NAS 505/WS 505 Reading and Conference
BSt 507/ChLa 507/NAS 507/WS 507 Seminar
BSt 509/ChLa 509/NAS 509/WS 509 Practicum

Total Credit Hours: 24