Portland-State-University 2015-2016 Bulletin

Admission requirements

Master of Science in electrical and computer engineering

Applicants with a B.S. degree in either electrical or computer engineering and a grade point average of 3.00 or better in all junior- and senior-level technical courses will be considered for admission to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering as regular graduate students. Applicants with a B.S. in either electrical or computer engineering with a grade point average in their upper division technical coursework below 3.00 but higher than 2.75 may be granted conditional admission status. Applicants with a B.S. degree in a related field (e.g., mathematics, physics, computer science, or mechanical engineering) will be required to take an individually specified group of undergraduate ECE classes as a Post-Bac student to gain the basic skills needed to succeed in an ECE Master’s program. Upon successful completion of these undergraduate ECE “bridge” classes with grades of B or better, an applicant will be considered for admission to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering as a regular graduate student. Additionally, M.S. applicants with a non-ABET accredited electrical or computer engineering B.S. degree must submit official GRE scores. GRE scores must be no older than five years at time of application. 

Doctor of Philosophy in electrical and computer engineering

Applicants to the Ph.D. program in electrical and computer engineering will normally have completed a master’s degree in electrical engineering or a related field and must submit official GRE scores. GRE scores must be no older than five years at time of application.