Portland-State-University 2015-2016 Bulletin

Dual master’s degrees

A graduate student may work concurrently toward the completion of the requirements for two PSU master’s degrees in complementary disciplines. Dual master’s degrees allow for an overlap of the credits required for two master’s degrees. The credits to be accepted for both degrees must be approved by the departments involved and may not exceed one-third of the required credits for a degree. If the two master’s programs have different total credit requirements, the one-third limit is determined by the smaller total credit requirement.

Students working toward dual master’s degrees must be admitted to the second degree program no later than the term prior to the term in which the student graduates from the first degree program. Overlapping credits used in dual master’s degrees must be approved by the student’s departments and the Office of Graduate Studies with a Dual Degree Form (GO-14) before the student graduates from the first master’s degree program. Students are limited to one use of the dual master’s degree allowance at PSU.