Portland-State-University 2015-2016 Bulletin

Graduate Programs

The School of Art+Design offers a two-year in-residency study program or a three-year low-residency program leading to the Master of Fine Arts degree in Contemporary Art Practice. In residency students choose an emphasis in either Studio Practice or Social Practice and low-residency studens must select Social Practice. These 90-credit programs prepare the student to be a practicing artist within a regional, national, and international arts community.

The student will acquire a strong theoretical foundation in order to analyze and discuss their work and that of others as well as to place their work in a historical and socio-cultural context. In addition, the student cultivates work, process, and research habits required of the self-directed artist. The MFA in Contemporary Art Practices is a small, individualized program that offers the student great accessibility to the MFA faculty on an ongoing basis, providing constant assessment and direction.