Portland-State-University 2015-2016 Bulletin


The University awards certificates for language and area specialization to students who have completed, or are completing, the requirements for a bachelor’s degree in any other field. Certificates are currently available in African Studies, Asian Studies, European Studies, Latin American Studies, Middle East Studies, and Contemporary Turkish Studies. The specific courses needed for a certificate in each area differ; interested students should consult the International Studies Program in 341 East Hall.

Language and area studies certificate programs focus on the study of a group of countries or a geographical area having common linguistic and/or cultural characteristics. The course of study is designed to broaden a student’s understanding of a particular world region.

Students must take 24 credits (two years) of one adviser-approved language appropriate to the geographic region of concentration (or demonstrate equivalent proficiency in that language); and they must successfully complete 28 credits of advisor-approved area courses.