Portland-State-University 2015-2016 Bulletin

Admission requirements

Admission to the department is based on general admission to the University.

Once a student has declared a major in economics at Portland State University, formal written permission must be granted by the undergraduate economics adviser if a student wishes to propose using courses numbered 300 and above from other institutions to fulfill the requirements for the B.S./B.A. in Economics. Such permission may be granted in the following cases: the student plans to study abroad, the student has been temporarily transferred to another location, or the department does not offer a required course, or an acceptable substitute for that course (as determined by the undergraduate adviser) during a particular term.

Majors who are considering graduate school will need to tailor their undergraduate program for this purpose and should seek advice prior to the start of their junior year. It is recommended that students pursue a B.S. in Quantitative Economics.