Portland-State-University 2015-2016 Bulletin

Admission requirements

For admission to graduate study, the student’s background and preparation should reflect an ability to pursue graduate work in conflict resolution. It is not required that the applicant’s undergraduate degree be in any specific academic discipline. Because the program is broadly interdisciplinary, students with any undergraduate degree are encouraged to apply for admission. Should the student’s preparation be deemed inadequate in certain areas, the student will be required to overcome those deficiencies through formal coursework and/or directed readings. All such work is separate from work toward the master’s degree.

Each applicant to the conflict resolution graduate program must submit a statement of purpose explaining his or her reasons for pursuing an advanced degree, along with an academic writing sample of at least ten pages in length. Additionally, each applicant must submit three letters of recommendation from individuals closely acquainted with the applicant’s academic career and, where applicable, with the applicant’s professional background and competencies.

All students are admitted to the program on conditional status. Regular status and retention in the graduate program requires the satisfactory completion of 12 graduate credits with a minimum grade of 3.00 in each course and evidence of satisfactory progress toward the degree.