Portland-State-University 2015-2016 Bulletin

Biology M.A.T./M.S.T.

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences offers the M.A.T./ M.S.T. degrees in Science/Biology. In consultation with the graduate adviser, the student should establish the degree program before the completion of 15 credits of coursework. The program must include a minimum of 45 credits in approved graduate courses, to include a minimum of 24 credits in the area of concentration. Students must complete Bi 598 Graduate Research Prospectus, and Bi 599 Graduate Grant Writing in the fall and winter quarters following admission to the program. At least 9 credits, but no more than 15 credits, must be in education courses and must include Ed 520 Introduction to Education and Society. The 45 credits required must include 6 credits in either Bi 501 Project Track: Research Project relating to biology teaching (i.e. curriculum module, grant proposal, community development project) as approved by student’s committee; or Bi 504 Practicum Track: 6 credits in practicum/internship/community outreach experience as approved by student’s committee. In order to fulfill requirements for the degree, the student must satisfactorily complete the degree program and pass both a final written examination and a final oral examination.