Portland-State-University 2014-2015 Bulletin

Fulbright Program

Director: Debra Z. Clemans

101 East Hall


Portland State participates in the International Educational Exchange Program authorized by the Fulbright-Hays Act. Awards available include those offered by the U.S. government, foreign governments, universities, and private donors. Grants are available to qualified graduating seniors, alumni, and graduate students for English teaching or advanced research, to qualified faculty for lecturing and research, and to teachers for teacher exchange programs.

Grants for Graduate Study Abroad and Alumni

Fulbright opportunities are announced annually about May 1, and applications should be prepared as soon as possible. The deadline for submission of application materials to the Fulbright adviser is September 8, 2014 for the 2015-2016 academic year. The Fulbright program director disseminates information about grant opportunities and assists in processing grant applications.

UK Summer Institutes for Undergraduates

Fulbright Summer Programs to the UK are available to undergraduate students with at least two years of study left to complete. Contact Debra Clemans to learn more. Deadlines are in winter term. 

University Lecturing/Advanced Research

The Office of International Affairs provides information to faculty on grants for university lecturing or advanced research. Application deadline for most programs is August 1.

Opportunities Abroad for Teachers

Institute for International Education sponsors teaching positions abroad and summer seminars for teachers and professors through its Opportunities Abroad for Teachers program. Interested persons should apply by October 15 directly to the following website: www.fulbrightteacherexchange.org. Interviews for Oregon-area applicants are arranged by the Fulbright director at PSU and are held in early December.