2014-2015 Bulletin
2014-2015 Bulletin (2014-2015)
Up one level
In this section
100- or 200-level computer science course
12 elective credits from the theater arts curriculum with at least 6 carrying numbers 300 or above
*16 elective credits chosen from the Film curriculum courses with at least 12 carrying numbers 300 or above
16 elective credits from the theater curriculum with at least 8 carrying numbers 300 or above
200-level General Physics with labs or General Chemistry with labs
20 elective credits from the Film curriculum with at least 12 carrying numbers 300 or above
24 credits of upper-division JSt courses or instructor approved equivalents
300-or 400-level economics courses
300- or 400-level psychology courses (excluding 401 to 409)
4 credits of approved upper division subject area credits outside JSt program
4 credits of JSt 402, JSt 405 or JSt 409
4 hours of directed electives, selected with the faculty adviser's approval
500 -level literature
5xx Special Interest Electives
600-level electives
594 Linguistics
595 Linguistics
551 Poetry
552 Drama
553 Prose
BSt 417 African American Family
CCJ 455 Ethical Leadership in Criminal Justice
CE 410-499
CE 510-599
CFS 485 Working with Diverse Families
CFS 490 Sex and the Family
CFS 490U Sex and the Family
CI 448 Advanced Secondary Methods
CI 450
CI 451
CI 452 Student Teaching I Early Childhood
CI 453 Student Teaching II Early Childhood
CI 454 Student Teaching I Mid-Level
CI 455 Student Teaching II Mid-Level
CI 456
CI 457
Eng 508 Urban Schools and At-Risk Status
ESM 410-499 Advanced Environmental Topics
FIN 459 Valuation
Geog 380 Maps and Geographic Information
Lat 101-203 First-and second-year Latin
MGMT 449
Mgmt 560 Managerial Responsibility & Public Policy
Mktg 544 Marketing Management
Mth 467
Mth 468
PA 411 Foundations of Citizenship and Community Leadership
PA 548 Advocacy in the Public Sector
PAP 621 Comparative Political Institutions
PAP 690 Research Design for Politics and Policy
Ph 204 Physics Laboratory
Ph 205 Physics Laboratory
Ph 206 Physics Laboratory
Ph 478 Applications of air pollution modeling
PH 525 Introduction to Biostatistics
PHE 465 Health Aspects of Aging
PHE 535 Epidemiology Survey
PHE 620 Qualitative Research Design
PHPM 512 Epidemiology I
PHPM 518 Concepts of Environmental Health
PHPM 524 Introduction to Biostatistics
RE 538 Real Estate Law
RTT 331 Radiation Therapy Physics I
RTT 430 Radiation Therapy Physics II
Sci 347-348 Science, Gender, and Social Context
SySc 520
SySc 522
UnSt 101 Freshman Inquiry
UnSt 102 Freshman Inquiry
UnSt 103 Freshman Inquiry
UnSt 224 Environmental Sustainability
UnSt 231 Gender & Sexualities
UnST 286 Natural Science Inquiry
Unst 421 Capstone: Effecting Change (Russian)
Unst 421 Capstone: Engaging Democracy
Additional adviser-approved coursework
Additional credits in the major academic area
Additional PS electives (minimum 12 upper-division)
Additional PS electives (minimum 12 upper division)
Additional upper division credits from any department(s) in the major academic area
Additional upper division psychology courses (300-or 400-level, excluding 401-409)
511 Advanced Language
512 Advanced Language
Adviser-approved education courses
Adviser approved non-Black Studies
Adviser-approved upper-division credits in architecture
Adviser-approved, upper-division research project
Advisor approved courses (from licensure program or electives)
Advisor-approved electives (see below)
a linguistics course in the major language
An adviser-approved, graduate-level course in research methods
Anthropology, psychology, or sociology
And Either
Any adviser-approved, upper-division (300-400-level) writing course
A one-term, adviser-approved senior practicum or seminar
A one-term, adviser-approved, upper-division research project or practicum
Approved civil engineering electives
Approved elective course (see an adviser)
Approved Environmental Engineering Electives
Approved graduate-level electives (4 courses at least 2 non-Anth)
Approved graduate-level electives (Anth, non-Anth)
Approved Laboratory Science
Approved Math electives
Approved mechanical engineering electives
Approved Science elective
Approved upper-division computer science electives
Approved upper-division electives (minimum of 12 upper-division)
Arch 381 and/or 382 Arch Design Studio 2 and/or 3 and/or Arch 384, 385 and/or Arch Design Focus Studio 1 and 2
Arch 3xx/4xx Architectural Upper-Division Elective
Arch 46x Building Tectonics Elective
Arch 53x Architectural Theory Elective
Arch 54x Professional Practice Elective
5xx Special Interest Electives
Arch Design Focus Studio 1 and 2
Architecture or art studio electives
Arch Design Focus Studio 1 and 2
Area electives (see below)
Area of concentration
Area Studies
At least 5 courses
At least one 4-credit course in research methods
At least one pre-1800 course
Biology (see adviser)
Business specialization options (see descriptions below)
Calculus through Mth 253 or equivalent
CCJ elective credits (minimum of 8 credits at or above 300-level)
CCJ elective credits (minimum of 8 credits at or above 300-level)
Chemistry (see above)
Cognate Electives (taken outside the School)
Communication electives
Complete proctored master's comprehensive examination
Computer science electives
Connected/Regional Learning (adviser-approved area-specific or thematic courses)
Field of Specialization (Tracks-1-3)
Core courses (one from each core area and selected from program list)
Core courses (one from each core area and selected from program list and ESM 551)
Core Coursework
Core coursework
Departmental Dissertation (minimum)
Dissertation credits
Dissertation seminar
Education/Pedagogy (chosen with adviser's assistance)
Eight adviser-approved credits chosen from related courses within departments in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Electives approved by Law and Legal Studies advisor (maximum 8 credits)
Electives approved by Law and Legal Studies advisor (maximum 8 credits)
Elective specialty and related engineering areas
Emphasis Area Course
Ensemble: Chosen with advice of graduate faculty
Field of Specialization (Tracks-1-4)
Five 400-level PS courses
Foundations in Language/Linguistic Theory
Foundations of Education
Four adviser-approved courses in advanced computer applications
Free electives
Freshman Inquiry
Freshman Inquiry
Freshman Inquiry
Geography electives (upper-division)
Graduate-level Anthropology Electives (2 courses)
Graduate-level Anthropology Electives (3 courses)
GSCM XXX Elective
Health systems courses
History Electives
Integrative workshop
International Experience
International Experience
Internship option
Intl 2xx Introduction to Regional Studies
Jewish history/culture in the State of Israel
Jewish history/culture in the United States
Jewish history/culture prior to 1700
Language/Education Applied Linguistic Theory
Language, literature and culture
Ling thesis/project/exams
Linguistic Analysis
Linguistics electives (upper-division level)
Linguistics electives (upper-division level)
Linguistics electives (upper-division level)
Lower Division Black Studies courses
Lower division geology with labs/field studies
Lower-division history electives ( 20 maximum)
Psy 603 Dissertation
Psy 604 Internship
Ch 4XX Two approved 400-level chemistry courses
Two approved 400-level science electives 6-8
Upper-division biology elective in botany or field oriented course 4
CI 443/543 Effective Strategies for Language Minority Students
CI 496/596 Second Language Acquisition & Development for K-12 Educators
CI 497/597 Assessment of Language and Content Learning for K-12 English Learners
CI 509 Practicum in ESL/Bilingual Education
ELP 465/565 School and Community Relations
ELP 466/566 Impact of Language and Culture
ELP 467/567 ESL/Bilingual Program Designs and Models
ITP 411/511 Classroom Management for Student Success
ITP 412/512 Learning and the Learner
ITP 413/513 Technology as a Tool for Learning
ITP 421/521 - 428/528 Secondary Methods
ITP 438/538 Integrated Methods and Curriculum Design
ITP 439/539 Elementary Mathematics Methods
ITP 442/542 Integrated Elementary Science Methods
ITP 452/552 Reflective Practitioner
ITP 453/553 Planning, Assessment, and Curriculum
ITP 454/554 Professional Development and Reflection
ITP 455/555 Language and Literacy Development of Diverse Learners
ITP 530 or 532 Student Teaching I
ITP 531 or 533 Student Teaching II
ITP 545 or 548 Student Teaching I
ITP 546 or 549 Student Teaching II
ITP 551 Research and Classroom Inquiry
SpEd 455/555 Working with LEP with Special Needs
ELP 506 Culminating Project
ELP 506 Culminating
ELP 508 Change Agentry Workship
ELP 508 Delivering Training Workshop
ELP 508 Facilitative Coaching Workshop
ELP 508 Project Management for Instructional Design Workshop
ELP 508 Social Media and Informal Learning Workshop
ELP 508 Webinar and Synchronous Learning Workshop
ELP 509 Practicum
509 Initial Field Experience
ITP 511 Classroom Management for Student Success
ITP 512 Learning and the Learner
ITP 521-528 Secondary Methods
ITP 530 or 532 Student Teaching I
ITP 531 or 533 Student Teaching II
ITP 535 Cultivating Responsive Elementary Classrooms
ITP 538 Integrated Methods and Curriculum Design
ITP 543 Professional Collaboration in Elementary Education
ITP 545 or 548 Student Teaching I
ITP 546 or 549 Student Teaching II
ITP 547 or 550 Student Teaching III
ITP 551 Research and Classroom Inquiry
Mup 190, 290 Applied Music
Mup 290 Applied Music
Mup 490 Applied Music
Mup 190, 290, 390, 490 Applied Music
Mup 190, 290, 390, 490 Applied Music
Mup 190 Applied Music
Mup 190 Applied Music Performance
Mup 190 Applied Music
Mus 195, 196, 197, or 198 Band, Orchestra, Choir, or Jazz Lab Band
Mup 290 Applied Music
Mup 290 Applied Music Performance
Mup 390/490 Applied Music
Mup 390 Applied Music Composition
Mup 390 Applied Music
Mup 490 Applied Music Composition
Mup 590 Applied Music
Mup 590 Applied Music
Mup 591 Applied Music in Secondary Area
Mus 046 Piano Proficiency Exam
Mus 046 Piano Proficiency Exam
Mus 047 Final Project
Mus 047 Final Project
Mus 048 Junior Recital
Mus 048 Junior Recital
Mus 049 Senior Recital
Mus 194, 394 Chamber Music
Mus 195, 196, or 197 Band, Orchestra, or Chorus
Mus 197 Chorus
Mus 198 Jazz Lab Band
Mus 355 Jazz History
Mus 394, 395, 396, 397, or 398 Large or Small Ensemble
Mus 394 Chamber Music
Mus 395, 396, 397, or 398 Band, Orchestra, Choir, or Jazz Lab Band
Mus 395, 396, or 397 Band, Orchestra, or Choir
Mus 395, 396, or 397 Band, Orchestra, or Chorus
Mus 397 Chorus
Mus 398 Jazz Lab Band
Mus 398 Jazz Lab Band
Mus 506 Graduate Project or Recital
Mus 535
appropriate adviser-approved, upper-division course
Mathematics (see above)
Maximum of one approved non-political science course
Minimum of two 500-level seminars
Modern Language Elective
Music Electives (chosen in consultation with advisor)
Music Electives (chosen in consultation with advisor)
Music Electives (chosen in consultation with advisor)
Music Electives (chosen in consultation with advisor)
Music Electives (chosen in consultation with advisor)
Music Electives (chosen in consultation with advisor)
Music Electives (chosen in consultation with advisor)
National Student Advertising Competition
One 400-level Mktg elective
One approved elective course
One approved two-term 400-level Mth or Stat sequence
One language education elective
One research design elective
One upper-division writing course
One writing intensive course
One year-long sequence in introductory biology
One year of 200-level biology plus labs
One year of 200-level chemistry or equivalent with labs
One year of 200-level college chemistry or equivalent with labs
One year of 200-level physics plus labs
One year of physics with calculus with laboratory
One year of physics with calculus with laboratory
Or adviser approved elective
Other adviser-approved 500-level courses
Other adviser-approved courses
Other adviser-approved courses
other adviser-approved credits
Other Electives (including 6 Advanced Research electives)
Other electives as approved by Supply and Logistics faculty
passing the appropriate placement test
Philosophy electives
Philosophy electives
Physical science electives as approved by adviser
Physics (see above)
Policy courses
Professional studies core
Psy 410-498
Psy 503 Thesis
Psy 6xx Required methodology elective
Psychology elective 200-level or above above (including 399-409)
Quantitative analysis (selected from program list)
Required core courses
Research design and research methods
Research Methods
Science Electives: Any combination of courses at the 200+ level (not including requirements listed above) from the following departments: Ch, ESM, G, Ph, or CS
Selected Bi 410 or Bi 510 courses with advisor approval
Sociology electives, including at least 12 credits in 400-level courses
Sociology or other department
Sophomore Inquiry
Specializations and Electives
584 Stylistics
Systems core
Three adviser-approved courses in advanced computer applications, with at least 4 credits outside of geology
Three approved elective courses
Three electives
Three health systems electives
Three policy electives
Three upper-division anthropology electives
TJFL Methods
Total CCJ elective credits (minimum of 16 credits at or above 300-level)
Track specific junior electrical engineering electives
Track specific senior electrical engineering electives
Twelve elective credits from the approved list
Twenty upper-division credits in geology
Two 500-level sociology course
Two additional approved 400-level Mth or Stat courses
Two additional approved Mth or Stat courses
Two approved 400 level sequences
Two classes from a concentration listed below
Two research methods electives
Two-terms of a non-Indo-European language
Two upper-division courses in anatomy and/or physiology
Two years of Ancient Greek and one of Latin
Two years of Latin and one of Ancient Greek
UnSt 421 Capstone: Engaging Democracy
Upper-division anthropology electives 6 courses (see below)
Upper-division biology electives
Upper-division cluster
WIC course
Writing electives
Wr Seminars
Anth 501 Thesis Research
Anth 503 Thesis
Anth 504 Internship
CCJ 404 Cooperative Education/Internship
ChLa 399 Special Studies
ChLa 405 Reading and Conference
ChLa 407 Seminar
ChLa 408 Workshop
ChLa 410 Selected Studies
CI 509 Practicum: Reading Endorsement
Comm 410 Sex and the Media
Coun 504 Internship
Coun 504 Internship
Coun 507 Addiction Pharmacology
Coun 507 Professional Development in Infant Mental Health
Coun 509 Practicum: Counseling
Coun 509 Practicum: Group Counseling
Coun 509 Practicum: Peer Supervision
Ed 509 Initial Field Experience
ELP 506 Culminating Project
ELP 506 CAL-Special Problems
ELP 509 Culminating Project
ELP Culminating Practicum
ELP 509 Culminating Practicum
ELP 509-2 PACE Redux
ELP 509 Administrative Practicum
ESM 407 Environmental Seminar
ESR 507/607 500/600-level seminars 6 terms
ETM 503 Grad Thesis
ETM 503 M.S. Thesis
ETM 506 Capstone Project
G 404 Cooperative Education/Internship
G 405 Reading and Conference
Geog 407 Seminar in Research Skills
Geog 407 Seminar in Human Geography
Geog 407 Seminar in Physical Geography
Geog 407 Seminar in Regional Geography
Hst 405 Reading Colloquium
Hst 407 Seminar
Hst 504 Public History Internship
Hst 509 Public History Seminar
Intl 499 Senior International Experience
JSt 402 Independent Study
JSt 405 Reading & Conference
JSt 407 Seminar
JSt 409 Practicum
Lib 509 Practicum
Lib 509 Initial Practicum
Ling 407 Senior Seminar
Ling 509 Community Activism Practicum
Ling 409 Community ESL Practicum
Ling 409 Community ESL Practicum
Ling 509 Community ESL Practicum
Mgmt 409 Social Innovation Practicum
MIM 505 Foreign Language
MIM 506 International Business Research Project
MIM 507 Age of Pacific Lecture Series
MIM 509 Global Business Immersion
MIM 510 Global Entrepreneurship
Mth 401 Research
Mus 409 Marching Band Practicum
Mus 409 Practicum
NAS 404 Cooperative Education/Internship
PA 509 Organizational Experience
PAP 607 Organizational Theory and Behavior
Ph 503 Thesis
Ph 504 Cooperative Education/Internship
Ph 506 Special Projects
Ph 507 Seminar
PHE 404 Internship
PHE 404 Internship
PHE 410 Business and Aging
PHE 410 Families and Aging
PHE 410 Global Aging & Health: Focus on Nicaragua
PHE 410 Health and Housing Across the Life Course
PHE 410 International Health and Aging
PHE 410 Sex Education in America
PHE 410 Worldview of Sexual Health
PHE 605 Project
PS 401 Research
PS 403 Honors Thesis
PS 404 Cooperative Education/Internship
PS 503 Thesis
Psy 410 Human Sexualities
Psy 410 Native American Psychological Healing
Psy 410 Native American Psychological Thought and Values
Soc 503 Thesis
SpEd 410 Historical and Contemporary Issues in Disability Studies
SpEd 503 Thesis
SpEd 503 Thesis
SpEd 506 Special Project
SpEd 506 Special Project
SpHr 509 Practicum
SW 605 Interdisciplinary Seminar on Research Methods in Social Determinants of Health
UnSt 421 Capstone
501 Research
Wr 503 Thesis
WS 409 Practicum
WS 409 Practicum
Ed 507 Seminar I: Student Teaching
Ed 510 Experimental Course
ITP 521-528 Secondary Methods
SpEd 507 Student Teaching Seminar
SpEd 509 Functional Practicum & Seminar
SpEd 509 Literacy Work Sample Practicum & Seminar
SpEd 509 Practicum: Academic Skills Focus
SpEd 509 Practicum: Functional Life Skills Focus
SpEd 509 Professional Introduction to the Start of the School Year
SpEd 509 STE II Visually Impaired
SpEd 509 STE I Visually Impaired
SpEd 509 Prac I: Supervised Field Experience
SpEd 509 Prac II: Supervised Field Experience
SpEd 510 Functional Assessment and Curriculum
SpEd 510 Experimental Course
SpEd 510 Experimental Course
SpEd 510 Classroom Assessment, Instruction, & Behavior Management
SpEd 510 Experimental Course
SpEd 510 Assessment
SpEd 510 Classroom Assessment, Instruction, & Behavior Management
SpEd 510 Classroom Assessment, Instruction, and Behavior Management
SpEd 510 Curriculum & Assessment for Students with DD/ASD-I
SpEd 510 Curriculum & Instruction for Students with DD/ASD II
SpEd 510 Families & Advocacy
SpEd 510 Foundations of Special Education
SpEd 510 IEP & Collaborative Teaming
SpEd 510 Legal & Ethical Foundations
SpEd 510 Legal and Ethical Foundations
SpEd 510 Literacy EI/SE
SpEd 510 Math Assessment & Instruction
SpEd 510 Reading & Writing across the Continuum
SpEd 510 Reading Assessment & Instruction
SpEd 520 Collaboration
Elective and supporting courses
Electives (6 credits appropriate to authorization level chosen in consultation with advisor)
Electives in Literature
Electives in theory, literature, writing, and rhetoric
Electives (see above)
Elective Studies Selected with Advisor
Electives with advisor approval
6XX Additional Electives
6XX Electives in Applied Social and Community Psychology
6XX Electives in Developmental Psychology
6XX Electives in Industrial/Organizational Psychology
CI 510 Guidance for the Classroom Teacher
Upper-division cluster
Upper-division cluster
Upper-division credits from a second department in the major academic area
Upper-division credits from one department in the major academic area
Upper-division credits from the arts and letters, science and/or social science academic distribution areas
Upper-division credits in pre-approved sustainability-related courses
Upper-division credits in SCH
Upper-division credits in the School of Community Health
Upper-division credits to include at least a total of four courses from the following three categories
Upper-division earth science courses
Upper-division economics electives
Upper-division electives
Upper-division electives
Upper-division electives
Upper-division electives
Upper-division electives in Black Studies
Upper-division electives in history
Upper-division electives in physics (minimum)
Upper-division environmental policy management courses
Upper-division environmental sciences courses
Upper-division management courses
Upper-division marketing elective(s)
Upper-division Math/Science elective
Upper-division Math/Science elective
Upper Division MKTG Electives
Upper-division Music History or World Music
Upper-division physics electives
Upper-division sociology credits inclusive
Narrative Courses
Up one level
In this section
100- or 200-level computer science course
12 elective credits from the theater arts curriculum with at least 6 carrying numbers 300 or above
*16 elective credits chosen from the Film curriculum courses with at least 12 carrying numbers 300 or above
16 elective credits from the theater curriculum with at least 8 carrying numbers 300 or above
200-level General Physics with labs or General Chemistry with labs
20 elective credits from the Film curriculum with at least 12 carrying numbers 300 or above
24 credits of upper-division JSt courses or instructor approved equivalents
300-or 400-level economics courses
300- or 400-level psychology courses (excluding 401 to 409)
4 credits of approved upper division subject area credits outside JSt program
4 credits of JSt 402, JSt 405 or JSt 409
4 hours of directed electives, selected with the faculty adviser's approval
500 -level literature
5xx Special Interest Electives
600-level electives
594 Linguistics
595 Linguistics
551 Poetry
552 Drama
553 Prose
BSt 417 African American Family
CCJ 455 Ethical Leadership in Criminal Justice
CE 410-499
CE 510-599
CFS 485 Working with Diverse Families
CFS 490 Sex and the Family
CFS 490U Sex and the Family
CI 448 Advanced Secondary Methods
CI 450
CI 451
CI 452 Student Teaching I Early Childhood
CI 453 Student Teaching II Early Childhood
CI 454 Student Teaching I Mid-Level
CI 455 Student Teaching II Mid-Level
CI 456
CI 457
Eng 508 Urban Schools and At-Risk Status
ESM 410-499 Advanced Environmental Topics
FIN 459 Valuation
Geog 380 Maps and Geographic Information
Lat 101-203 First-and second-year Latin
MGMT 449
Mgmt 560 Managerial Responsibility & Public Policy
Mktg 544 Marketing Management
Mth 467
Mth 468
PA 411 Foundations of Citizenship and Community Leadership
PA 548 Advocacy in the Public Sector
PAP 621 Comparative Political Institutions
PAP 690 Research Design for Politics and Policy
Ph 204 Physics Laboratory
Ph 205 Physics Laboratory
Ph 206 Physics Laboratory
Ph 478 Applications of air pollution modeling
PH 525 Introduction to Biostatistics
PHE 465 Health Aspects of Aging
PHE 535 Epidemiology Survey
PHE 620 Qualitative Research Design
PHPM 512 Epidemiology I
PHPM 518 Concepts of Environmental Health
PHPM 524 Introduction to Biostatistics
RE 538 Real Estate Law
RTT 331 Radiation Therapy Physics I
RTT 430 Radiation Therapy Physics II
Sci 347-348 Science, Gender, and Social Context
SySc 520
SySc 522
UnSt 101 Freshman Inquiry
UnSt 102 Freshman Inquiry
UnSt 103 Freshman Inquiry
UnSt 224 Environmental Sustainability
UnSt 231 Gender & Sexualities
UnST 286 Natural Science Inquiry
Unst 421 Capstone: Effecting Change (Russian)
Unst 421 Capstone: Engaging Democracy
Additional adviser-approved coursework
Additional credits in the major academic area
Additional PS electives (minimum 12 upper-division)
Additional PS electives (minimum 12 upper division)
Additional upper division credits from any department(s) in the major academic area
Additional upper division psychology courses (300-or 400-level, excluding 401-409)
511 Advanced Language
512 Advanced Language
Adviser-approved education courses
Adviser approved non-Black Studies
Adviser-approved upper-division credits in architecture
Adviser-approved, upper-division research project
Advisor approved courses (from licensure program or electives)
Advisor-approved electives (see below)
a linguistics course in the major language
An adviser-approved, graduate-level course in research methods
Anthropology, psychology, or sociology
And Either
Any adviser-approved, upper-division (300-400-level) writing course
A one-term, adviser-approved senior practicum or seminar
A one-term, adviser-approved, upper-division research project or practicum
Approved civil engineering electives
Approved elective course (see an adviser)
Approved Environmental Engineering Electives
Approved graduate-level electives (4 courses at least 2 non-Anth)
Approved graduate-level electives (Anth, non-Anth)
Approved Laboratory Science
Approved Math electives
Approved mechanical engineering electives
Approved Science elective
Approved upper-division computer science electives
Approved upper-division electives (minimum of 12 upper-division)
Arch 381 and/or 382 Arch Design Studio 2 and/or 3 and/or Arch 384, 385 and/or Arch Design Focus Studio 1 and 2
Arch 3xx/4xx Architectural Upper-Division Elective
Arch 46x Building Tectonics Elective
Arch 53x Architectural Theory Elective
Arch 54x Professional Practice Elective
5xx Special Interest Electives
Arch Design Focus Studio 1 and 2
Architecture or art studio electives
Arch Design Focus Studio 1 and 2
Area electives (see below)
Area of concentration
Area Studies
At least 5 courses
At least one 4-credit course in research methods
At least one pre-1800 course
Biology (see adviser)
Business specialization options (see descriptions below)
Calculus through Mth 253 or equivalent
CCJ elective credits (minimum of 8 credits at or above 300-level)
CCJ elective credits (minimum of 8 credits at or above 300-level)
Chemistry (see above)
Cognate Electives (taken outside the School)
Communication electives
Complete proctored master's comprehensive examination
Computer science electives
Connected/Regional Learning (adviser-approved area-specific or thematic courses)
Field of Specialization (Tracks-1-3)
Core courses (one from each core area and selected from program list)
Core courses (one from each core area and selected from program list and ESM 551)
Core Coursework
Core coursework
Departmental Dissertation (minimum)
Dissertation credits
Dissertation seminar
Education/Pedagogy (chosen with adviser's assistance)
Eight adviser-approved credits chosen from related courses within departments in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Electives approved by Law and Legal Studies advisor (maximum 8 credits)
Electives approved by Law and Legal Studies advisor (maximum 8 credits)
Elective specialty and related engineering areas
Emphasis Area Course
Ensemble: Chosen with advice of graduate faculty
Field of Specialization (Tracks-1-4)
Five 400-level PS courses
Foundations in Language/Linguistic Theory
Foundations of Education
Four adviser-approved courses in advanced computer applications
Free electives
Freshman Inquiry
Freshman Inquiry
Freshman Inquiry
Geography electives (upper-division)
Graduate-level Anthropology Electives (2 courses)
Graduate-level Anthropology Electives (3 courses)
GSCM XXX Elective
Health systems courses
History Electives
Integrative workshop
International Experience
International Experience
Internship option
Intl 2xx Introduction to Regional Studies
Jewish history/culture in the State of Israel
Jewish history/culture in the United States
Jewish history/culture prior to 1700
Language/Education Applied Linguistic Theory
Language, literature and culture
Ling thesis/project/exams
Linguistic Analysis
Linguistics electives (upper-division level)
Linguistics electives (upper-division level)
Linguistics electives (upper-division level)
Lower Division Black Studies courses
Lower division geology with labs/field studies
Lower-division history electives ( 20 maximum)
Psy 603 Dissertation
Psy 604 Internship
Ch 4XX Two approved 400-level chemistry courses
Two approved 400-level science electives 6-8
Upper-division biology elective in botany or field oriented course 4
CI 443/543 Effective Strategies for Language Minority Students
CI 496/596 Second Language Acquisition & Development for K-12 Educators
CI 497/597 Assessment of Language and Content Learning for K-12 English Learners
CI 509 Practicum in ESL/Bilingual Education
ELP 465/565 School and Community Relations
ELP 466/566 Impact of Language and Culture
ELP 467/567 ESL/Bilingual Program Designs and Models
ITP 411/511 Classroom Management for Student Success
ITP 412/512 Learning and the Learner
ITP 413/513 Technology as a Tool for Learning
ITP 421/521 - 428/528 Secondary Methods
ITP 438/538 Integrated Methods and Curriculum Design
ITP 439/539 Elementary Mathematics Methods
ITP 442/542 Integrated Elementary Science Methods
ITP 452/552 Reflective Practitioner
ITP 453/553 Planning, Assessment, and Curriculum
ITP 454/554 Professional Development and Reflection
ITP 455/555 Language and Literacy Development of Diverse Learners
ITP 530 or 532 Student Teaching I
ITP 531 or 533 Student Teaching II
ITP 545 or 548 Student Teaching I
ITP 546 or 549 Student Teaching II
ITP 551 Research and Classroom Inquiry
SpEd 455/555 Working with LEP with Special Needs
ELP 506 Culminating Project
ELP 506 Culminating
ELP 508 Change Agentry Workship
ELP 508 Delivering Training Workshop
ELP 508 Facilitative Coaching Workshop
ELP 508 Project Management for Instructional Design Workshop
ELP 508 Social Media and Informal Learning Workshop
ELP 508 Webinar and Synchronous Learning Workshop
ELP 509 Practicum
509 Initial Field Experience
ITP 511 Classroom Management for Student Success
ITP 512 Learning and the Learner
ITP 521-528 Secondary Methods
ITP 530 or 532 Student Teaching I
ITP 531 or 533 Student Teaching II
ITP 535 Cultivating Responsive Elementary Classrooms
ITP 538 Integrated Methods and Curriculum Design
ITP 543 Professional Collaboration in Elementary Education
ITP 545 or 548 Student Teaching I
ITP 546 or 549 Student Teaching II
ITP 547 or 550 Student Teaching III
ITP 551 Research and Classroom Inquiry
Mup 190, 290 Applied Music
Mup 290 Applied Music
Mup 490 Applied Music
Mup 190, 290, 390, 490 Applied Music
Mup 190, 290, 390, 490 Applied Music
Mup 190 Applied Music
Mup 190 Applied Music Performance
Mup 190 Applied Music
Mus 195, 196, 197, or 198 Band, Orchestra, Choir, or Jazz Lab Band
Mup 290 Applied Music
Mup 290 Applied Music Performance
Mup 390/490 Applied Music
Mup 390 Applied Music Composition
Mup 390 Applied Music
Mup 490 Applied Music Composition
Mup 590 Applied Music
Mup 590 Applied Music
Mup 591 Applied Music in Secondary Area
Mus 046 Piano Proficiency Exam
Mus 046 Piano Proficiency Exam
Mus 047 Final Project
Mus 047 Final Project
Mus 048 Junior Recital
Mus 048 Junior Recital
Mus 049 Senior Recital
Mus 194, 394 Chamber Music
Mus 195, 196, or 197 Band, Orchestra, or Chorus
Mus 197 Chorus
Mus 198 Jazz Lab Band
Mus 355 Jazz History
Mus 394, 395, 396, 397, or 398 Large or Small Ensemble
Mus 394 Chamber Music
Mus 395, 396, 397, or 398 Band, Orchestra, Choir, or Jazz Lab Band
Mus 395, 396, or 397 Band, Orchestra, or Choir
Mus 395, 396, or 397 Band, Orchestra, or Chorus
Mus 397 Chorus
Mus 398 Jazz Lab Band
Mus 398 Jazz Lab Band
Mus 506 Graduate Project or Recital
Mus 535
appropriate adviser-approved, upper-division course
Mathematics (see above)
Maximum of one approved non-political science course
Minimum of two 500-level seminars
Modern Language Elective
Music Electives (chosen in consultation with advisor)
Music Electives (chosen in consultation with advisor)
Music Electives (chosen in consultation with advisor)
Music Electives (chosen in consultation with advisor)
Music Electives (chosen in consultation with advisor)
Music Electives (chosen in consultation with advisor)
Music Electives (chosen in consultation with advisor)
National Student Advertising Competition
One 400-level Mktg elective
One approved elective course
One approved two-term 400-level Mth or Stat sequence
One language education elective
One research design elective
One upper-division writing course
One writing intensive course
One year-long sequence in introductory biology
One year of 200-level biology plus labs
One year of 200-level chemistry or equivalent with labs
One year of 200-level college chemistry or equivalent with labs
One year of 200-level physics plus labs
One year of physics with calculus with laboratory
One year of physics with calculus with laboratory
Or adviser approved elective
Other adviser-approved 500-level courses
Other adviser-approved courses
Other adviser-approved courses
other adviser-approved credits
Other Electives (including 6 Advanced Research electives)
Other electives as approved by Supply and Logistics faculty
passing the appropriate placement test
Philosophy electives
Philosophy electives
Physical science electives as approved by adviser
Physics (see above)
Policy courses
Professional studies core
Psy 410-498
Psy 503 Thesis
Psy 6xx Required methodology elective
Psychology elective 200-level or above above (including 399-409)
Quantitative analysis (selected from program list)
Required core courses
Research design and research methods
Research Methods
Science Electives: Any combination of courses at the 200+ level (not including requirements listed above) from the following departments: Ch, ESM, G, Ph, or CS
Selected Bi 410 or Bi 510 courses with advisor approval
Sociology electives, including at least 12 credits in 400-level courses
Sociology or other department
Sophomore Inquiry
Specializations and Electives
584 Stylistics
Systems core
Three adviser-approved courses in advanced computer applications, with at least 4 credits outside of geology
Three approved elective courses
Three electives
Three health systems electives
Three policy electives
Three upper-division anthropology electives
TJFL Methods
Total CCJ elective credits (minimum of 16 credits at or above 300-level)
Track specific junior electrical engineering electives
Track specific senior electrical engineering electives
Twelve elective credits from the approved list
Twenty upper-division credits in geology
Two 500-level sociology course
Two additional approved 400-level Mth or Stat courses
Two additional approved Mth or Stat courses
Two approved 400 level sequences
Two classes from a concentration listed below
Two research methods electives
Two-terms of a non-Indo-European language
Two upper-division courses in anatomy and/or physiology
Two years of Ancient Greek and one of Latin
Two years of Latin and one of Ancient Greek
UnSt 421 Capstone: Engaging Democracy
Upper-division anthropology electives 6 courses (see below)
Upper-division biology electives
Upper-division cluster
WIC course
Writing electives
Wr Seminars
Anth 501 Thesis Research
Anth 503 Thesis
Anth 504 Internship
CCJ 404 Cooperative Education/Internship
ChLa 399 Special Studies
ChLa 405 Reading and Conference
ChLa 407 Seminar
ChLa 408 Workshop
ChLa 410 Selected Studies
CI 509 Practicum: Reading Endorsement
Comm 410 Sex and the Media
Coun 504 Internship
Coun 504 Internship
Coun 507 Addiction Pharmacology
Coun 507 Professional Development in Infant Mental Health
Coun 509 Practicum: Counseling
Coun 509 Practicum: Group Counseling
Coun 509 Practicum: Peer Supervision
Ed 509 Initial Field Experience
ELP 506 Culminating Project
ELP 506 CAL-Special Problems
ELP 509 Culminating Project
ELP Culminating Practicum
ELP 509 Culminating Practicum
ELP 509-2 PACE Redux
ELP 509 Administrative Practicum
ESM 407 Environmental Seminar
ESR 507/607 500/600-level seminars 6 terms
ETM 503 Grad Thesis
ETM 503 M.S. Thesis
ETM 506 Capstone Project
G 404 Cooperative Education/Internship
G 405 Reading and Conference
Geog 407 Seminar in Research Skills
Geog 407 Seminar in Human Geography
Geog 407 Seminar in Physical Geography
Geog 407 Seminar in Regional Geography
Hst 405 Reading Colloquium
Hst 407 Seminar
Hst 504 Public History Internship
Hst 509 Public History Seminar
Intl 499 Senior International Experience
JSt 402 Independent Study
JSt 405 Reading & Conference
JSt 407 Seminar
JSt 409 Practicum
Lib 509 Practicum
Lib 509 Initial Practicum
Ling 407 Senior Seminar
Ling 509 Community Activism Practicum
Ling 409 Community ESL Practicum
Ling 409 Community ESL Practicum
Ling 509 Community ESL Practicum
Mgmt 409 Social Innovation Practicum
MIM 505 Foreign Language
MIM 506 International Business Research Project
MIM 507 Age of Pacific Lecture Series
MIM 509 Global Business Immersion
MIM 510 Global Entrepreneurship
Mth 401 Research
Mus 409 Marching Band Practicum
Mus 409 Practicum
NAS 404 Cooperative Education/Internship
PA 509 Organizational Experience
PAP 607 Organizational Theory and Behavior
Ph 503 Thesis
Ph 504 Cooperative Education/Internship
Ph 506 Special Projects
Ph 507 Seminar
PHE 404 Internship
PHE 404 Internship
PHE 410 Business and Aging
PHE 410 Families and Aging
PHE 410 Global Aging & Health: Focus on Nicaragua
PHE 410 Health and Housing Across the Life Course
PHE 410 International Health and Aging
PHE 410 Sex Education in America
PHE 410 Worldview of Sexual Health
PHE 605 Project
PS 401 Research
PS 403 Honors Thesis
PS 404 Cooperative Education/Internship
PS 503 Thesis
Psy 410 Human Sexualities
Psy 410 Native American Psychological Healing
Psy 410 Native American Psychological Thought and Values
Soc 503 Thesis
SpEd 410 Historical and Contemporary Issues in Disability Studies
SpEd 503 Thesis
SpEd 503 Thesis
SpEd 506 Special Project
SpEd 506 Special Project
SpHr 509 Practicum
SW 605 Interdisciplinary Seminar on Research Methods in Social Determinants of Health
UnSt 421 Capstone
501 Research
Wr 503 Thesis
WS 409 Practicum
WS 409 Practicum
Ed 507 Seminar I: Student Teaching
Ed 510 Experimental Course
ITP 521-528 Secondary Methods
SpEd 507 Student Teaching Seminar
SpEd 509 Functional Practicum & Seminar
SpEd 509 Literacy Work Sample Practicum & Seminar
SpEd 509 Practicum: Academic Skills Focus
SpEd 509 Practicum: Functional Life Skills Focus
SpEd 509 Professional Introduction to the Start of the School Year
SpEd 509 STE II Visually Impaired
SpEd 509 STE I Visually Impaired
SpEd 509 Prac I: Supervised Field Experience
SpEd 509 Prac II: Supervised Field Experience
SpEd 510 Functional Assessment and Curriculum
SpEd 510 Experimental Course
SpEd 510 Experimental Course
SpEd 510 Classroom Assessment, Instruction, & Behavior Management
SpEd 510 Experimental Course
SpEd 510 Assessment
SpEd 510 Classroom Assessment, Instruction, & Behavior Management
SpEd 510 Classroom Assessment, Instruction, and Behavior Management
SpEd 510 Curriculum & Assessment for Students with DD/ASD-I
SpEd 510 Curriculum & Instruction for Students with DD/ASD II
SpEd 510 Families & Advocacy
SpEd 510 Foundations of Special Education
SpEd 510 IEP & Collaborative Teaming
SpEd 510 Legal & Ethical Foundations
SpEd 510 Legal and Ethical Foundations
SpEd 510 Literacy EI/SE
SpEd 510 Math Assessment & Instruction
SpEd 510 Reading & Writing across the Continuum
SpEd 510 Reading Assessment & Instruction
SpEd 520 Collaboration
Elective and supporting courses
Electives (6 credits appropriate to authorization level chosen in consultation with advisor)
Electives in Literature
Electives in theory, literature, writing, and rhetoric
Electives (see above)
Elective Studies Selected with Advisor
Electives with advisor approval
6XX Additional Electives
6XX Electives in Applied Social and Community Psychology
6XX Electives in Developmental Psychology
6XX Electives in Industrial/Organizational Psychology
CI 510 Guidance for the Classroom Teacher
Upper-division cluster
Upper-division cluster
Upper-division credits from a second department in the major academic area
Upper-division credits from one department in the major academic area
Upper-division credits from the arts and letters, science and/or social science academic distribution areas
Upper-division credits in pre-approved sustainability-related courses
Upper-division credits in SCH
Upper-division credits in the School of Community Health
Upper-division credits to include at least a total of four courses from the following three categories
Upper-division earth science courses
Upper-division economics electives
Upper-division electives
Upper-division electives
Upper-division electives
Upper-division electives
Upper-division electives in Black Studies
Upper-division electives in history
Upper-division electives in physics (minimum)
Upper-division environmental policy management courses
Upper-division environmental sciences courses
Upper-division management courses
Upper-division marketing elective(s)
Upper-division Math/Science elective
Upper-division Math/Science elective
Upper Division MKTG Electives
Upper-division Music History or World Music
Upper-division physics electives
Upper-division sociology credits inclusive