Portland-State-University 2023-2024 Bulletin

Student responsibility

The student is responsible for knowing all regulations and procedures required by the University and the graduate program being pursued. In no case will a regulation be waived or an exception granted because of ignorance of the regulation or of the assertion that the student was not informed by the adviser or other authority. The student should be familiar with information published in the Portland State University Bulletin, including the section on the Graduate School and the section listing the requirements for the degree and the offerings and requirements of the major department. The department chair appoints an adviser for each graduate student to assist in developing the course of study, determining deficiencies, planning the program, and clarifying special regulations. Departments can be expected to have additional degree requirements beyond those listed in the Bulletin.

A graduate student may petition the Graduate Council for the waiver of a University graduate academic regulation or degree requirement. The petition process is an option in unusual cases with extenuating circumstances. A petition is not a remedy for poor advising on the part of an academic unit or poor planning by the student. The responsibility of initiating the petition rests with the student. Petition forms are available from the Graduate School. The decision of the Graduate Council is final.

The University reserves the right to require the withdrawal of any student who fails to accept responsibilities, as evidenced by conduct or scholastic achievement.