Portland-State-University 2023-2024 Bulletin

USP 560 Climate Resiliency Planning

Examines climate resiliency planning by and for communities, with an emphasis on the city/region, the built environment and infrastructures. We will examine domestic and international historical and contemporary case studies. In addition, we will pay special attention to examples from the Portland community to enable class participants a deep understanding of the local context. Throughout, we will utilize a deep equity lens and look at the interplay between racial and social inequities, poverty, social exclusion and vulnerability to climate change impacts like heat, smoke, and flooding. Participants will develop a critically reflective understanding of best practices for planners, designers, and policy professionals across a range of topic areas, from green infrastructure to building efficiency, for urban and regional climate resiliency.



Cross Listed Courses

This is the same course as EMCR 560 and may be taken only once for credit.
  • Up one level
  • 500