Portland-State-University 2023-2024 Bulletin

Disability Resource Center

Disability Resource Center

Disability Resource Center

116 Smith Memorial Student Union



The Disability Resource Center (DRC) serves students with all disability types (learning, ADHD, brain injuries, psychological, chronic medical, physical, visual, hearing, autism/Asperger’s, developmental, and others). We provide students with academic or other accommodations, removing or minimizing barriers in the environment so that they have the ability to be successful at PSU. We advocate on behalf of students as necessary in order to ensure other PSU faculty and staff are working toward the same goals in helping the student to the greatest extent possible. We also connect the student with other on- and off-campus resources as needed. Information about disability shared with the DRC is kept confidential (except for in extreme situations where sharing the information with emergency personnel or others is critical). DRC registration status does not become part of any permanent records or transcripts. Come visit us in the DRC and learn more!