Certificate in Asian Studies

The Asian Studies certificate focuses on the interdisciplinary study of political-economy, cultures and religions, communication and media, gender and sexuality, migration, development, and environmental change in South, Southeast, and East Asia. 

For the Asian Studies certificates students must take 24 credits of advisor-approved courses; discuss the options with an International & Global Studies advisor.

Students who meet PSU's Second Language B.A./M.A. Requirement will automatically be considered as having completed four out of 24 elective credits required for the certificates.

Study Abroad courses can count towards the Certificate when approved through the Course Substitution process. See an advisor for more details.

All courses used to satisfy the departmental certificate requirements, whether taken in the department or elsewhere, must be graded C or above. Courses taken under the undifferentiated grading option (pass/no pass) will not be accepted toward fulfilling departmental certificate requirements.