Portland-State-University 2020-2021 Bulletin

Native American Student & Community Center

PSU Native American Student and Community Center
710 SW (andrew) Jackson Street

The PSU Native American Student & Community Center (NASCC) is a beacon to PSU’s commitment to American Indian tribes existing nation to nation treaty relationships. The NASCC is a gathering space to celebrate and empower student success through culturally relevant programming, academic support, and inter-generational community engagement to preserve and perpetuate inter-tribal connection for Native American, Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander students and our allies through tradition, ceremony, and storytelling. In addition to its own staff, the center also houses a Multicultural Retention Services Student Services Coordinator, Cultural Resource Centers Senior Program Coordinator, four student groups, a ten station computer lab, a children’s area, and a quiet study area with a fireplace. All students are welcome!