Portland-State-University 2014-2015 Bulletin

Geology Secondary Education Program

Adviser: N.A. Price

Students preparing for careers in K-12 teaching upon completion of a Graduate Teacher Education Program (GTEP) may qualify to teach geology and general science in middle and high schools by completing a B.A. or B.S. in geology, earth science or the requirements for integrated science.

It is recommended that students who want to teach science in grades 5-9 major in geology and include a year-long introductory course in biology and a course in meteorology, astronomy, and oceanography; or major in earth science; or major in general studies in science and complete the integrated science program.

Science courses are to be taken for differentiated grades, except for those offered only on a pass/no pass basis. Students must have at least a 2.75 GPA in science courses and must earn at least a C in each course.