Portland-State-University 2014-2015 Bulletin

Tuition and fee schedules/Regular tuition schedule

Students should consult the tuition and fee listing at www.pdx.edu/financial-services/tuition-fees for up-to-date information and applicable tuition and fees.

Students who enroll incur an accounts receivable obligation and are financially responsible for all classes and credits in which they are registered on or after the first day of the term. All classes dropped are subject to the refund schedule. Students are required to pay for any tuition, fees and charges remaining on their account.

Tuition and fee calculation (Non-admitted)—8 credits or fewer

Non-admitted part-time students enrolling in courses numbered 499 or below pay undergraduate tuition and fees. Students enrolling in courses numbered 500 and above pay graduate tuition and fees.

For students enrolling in classes both for undergraduate and graduate credit, the instructional fee for each is combined and added to the single building, incidental, health services and rec center fee to arrive at the total charge.

When courses are added, tuition is calculated upon the difference between the original credit-hour payment and total credits. When credits exceed 8, tuition policy for 9 credits or more applies.

Tuition and fee calculation (Admitted) – One credit or more

Admitted students taking one credit or more are assessed tuition and fees according to their undergraduate/graduate and residency status. The level of courses in which students enroll is immaterial.

Restricted Differential Tuition and noncredit

Enrollment in these courses may not be combined with regular PSU credit courses for fee calculations. Restricted Differential Tuition (previously self support) courses have fees that are assessed in addition to any other tuition paid to the University.

Senior citizen fee schedule

Senior citizens are defined as persons age 65 or older who do not wish to earn course credit. Senior citizens who are Oregon residents are authorized to attend classes on a space-available basis without payment of tuition. Charges for special materials, if any, must be paid.

Incidental and Health Service fee privileges are not provided and the University does not maintain any records of enrollment. The registration receipt may be used to obtain a library card.